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The city of Zruba is situated atop the hills of the Savage Lands Lands. It is an ancient and sprawling settlement that gives off a rough and uneasy air, due to the city’s violent history. The streets are wide cobblestoned or dirt, the houses made of shingled wood and stone, and adorned with animal hides.   The inhabitants of the city are mostly of Orc and Goblin descent, descendants of the dark army of Dirdarok, though there are also Hobgoblins, Bugbears, and Kolbolds that make up the people of Zruba. The culture of Zruba is still rooted in the violence that made up Dirdarok’s legacy. Though there is a sense of peace that pervades the city and the people have done away with many of their violent acts, they still have an inherent mistrust of outsiders.   The main industry of Zruba is hunting and animal husbandry, as the Savage Lands are home to many creatures unknown to the rest of the world. Other industries include fishing, farming, and of course, mercantile trading. Even with the minimal trade coming into and out of Zruba, visitors are cautioned to be wary, as there is still an inherent corruption in the land and it is not always easy to tell which merchants are trustworthy or where danger may lie.   The city also boasts a thriving artisanship industry. Zruba is home to renowned stonecarvers, woodworkers and weaponsmiths, are quite prolific despite the lack of supplies. They craft vessels, weapons, and sculptures with intricate designs to adorn the city. Above all of this stands the proud statue of the legendary Krugo, a reminder of Dirdarok’s army and the transition towards a peaceful city of Zruba.
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