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The Incorporated Duchy of Independent Estates of Nyiche is a settlement of estates, villas, and chateaus owned and operated by various noble houses of the Realm that live under the governance of a Duke. Located on the large lake of the same name, Nyiche is home to more than two dozen noble houses that make up the majority of the population.     Many of these noble houses are offshoots of other noble families across the Realm, while other houses are located entirely within Nyiche. Nyiche is ruled by a Grand Duke/Duchess of the First Estate of Nyiche (referred to simply as The Duke/Duchess) is always a member of an already established house who is nominated and elected by the gentry. A Duke or Duchess has no official term limit though most tend to abdicate the position when they tire of it or are ousted by a vote of no-confidence. No matter which house the Duke or Duchess hails from, they become an assumed member of the Grand House of Nyiche until their tenure ends.   The current Grand Duke is Cossar de Lache, the only extant member of House De Lache. 

Major Houses of Nyiche

The nine largest and most influential estates make up the Major Houses, who have a more prominent vote in the governance of Nyiche. Major Houses often have at least one or two Minor Houses located in their holdings, though no Minor Houses officially owes fealty to any House except for Grand House of Nyiche. The number of Major Houses is limited to ten, though if a house falls out of favor they can be removed from this station. Raising a Minor House to a Major one can only be done by decree of the Duke or Duchess.   The current nine houses are:
  • House De Lache
  • House Phynaster
  • House Bretonnen
  • House Marqan
  • House Fir'Kashruil
  • House Tamerlane
  • House Castellan
  • House Draufanne
  • House Aurbigne
The tenth Major House position has remained vacant for nearly a century after the fall of House Ru'sarnes, who were functionally destroyed after a brief conflict with House Gaunt of Marhaven. House Ru'sarnes has since become a Minor House.    House De Lache was destroyed when their estate collapsed into a sinkhole. The only surviving member was the youngest member of the family, Cossar De Lache, who emerged from the wreckage a number of days later. Despite the house being functionally extinct, the Major and Minor Houses agreed to allow the House to remain in good standing until Cossar was old enough to actively influence the future of his house. Shortly after Cossar came of age, he became Duke of Nyiche and as such House De Lache remains a Major House.   

Minor Houses of Nyiche

All noble estates that lack the size or reputation to be considered one of the ten Major Houses are considered Minor. Minor Houses own smaller swaths of land and many are located on parcels loaned by Major Houses. While Minor Houses are still constituents of the Grand House of Nyiche, their votes are considered relatively smaller than that of a Major House (one Major Vote is worth 3 Minor Votes). There are no limits to how many Minor Houses can exist in Nyiche other than being within geographic proximity to the Lake itself.   There are fifteen current Minor Houses:
  • Harcourt
  • Larvalle
  • Bauxrren
  • Maizirre
  • Markechen
  • Roth
  • Rourvois
  • Sabalen
  • Fonbalique
  • Clary
  • Hardan
  • Broofroot
  • Grumblesnatch
  • Gooch
  • Ru'sarnes
Visitors to Nyiche, or those who do not hail from one of the Major or Minor Houses, are considered Guests of the House of Nyiche and are allowed to purchase lodgings within allotted districts. Houses that own their own lands are also eligible to rent or sell their lands to Guests.


The vast majority of Nyicheans were either Elven, Gnomish, or Halfling. Many humans also called the city home, but very few did not possess at least some Fey ancestry.


Nyiche is governed by a Duke, who is chosen from one of the Noble houses of the city and appointed by general election.

Industry & Trade

The majority of the wealth that comes to the city is the result of the independent ventures of each House, whose earnings are tithed to the Grand House of Nyiche. Additionally, a number of industries are independently established to support and entertain the existing houses such as bakeries, theatres, cafes, and other upper-crusty activities. Idk, they probably play a lot of polo.

Guilds and Factions

The city is home to a number of Noble Houses, each thinking themselves superior to their neighbors. These houses specialize in specific industries ranging from banking, mining, exports and shipping, hunting, and other entire sectors of commerce.


Nyiche began as a series of opulent chateaus and villas established on the picturesque Lake Nyiche in antiquity. As more and more estates sprung up in close proximity to one another, a central body needed to be formed to manage the lands of the various lords and ladies. The three greatest Houses each sought rule of Nyiche, and began to war amongst themselves. After a short period of strife, House Tamerlane emerged victorious and formally founded the Duchy of Nyiche.


Nyiche is known as a luxury retreat for affluent families of the Realm, and as such caters to their whims. Lavish hotels, casinos, riverboats, and spas are the main draws to the city. Five star restaurants and bakeries are renowned, as are the various winemakers.


Tall half-timbered buildings are the most common. The cobbled streets are narrow and undulate across the softly rolling hills. Though most buildings share this style, the various estates and villas of the Noble families have their own particular architecture.


Nyiche is surrounded by softly rolling hills and grasslands. In close proximity to the north is the sprawling forest known as The High Wilds. Some noble houses have taken to using the accessible portion of the Wilds as a game-land either for sport or trade.

Natural Resources

The soil around Nyiche is fertile, and boasts a number of estate owned farms and vineyards. The lake itself is also teeming with fish.
Inhabitant Demonym

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