The kingdom of the Dwarves (and Gnomes), of earth and rock extending above to towering ocean cliffs, and below to caverns deep, old, and full of craft and comforts
The Sea of Storms is a rough place, with six mostly uninhabited islands withstanding the beating waves. Well, not inhabited by Humans or Dwarves or anything of that sort
The heavily mountainous southwest region of Nidavellir, home to western trade, the capitol city, and Dwarven nobility.
The caverns are home to cities and mines of the finest ores and the craftsmen dwarves that work them, the finest in the south of the region and stretching into rougher lands to the north.
A small mountain and hilly region in the south of Nidavellir, home to gnomish cities and mines of the finest jewels, as well as the mechanical makers that build, supply and service machinery found across the Realm.