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The City of En-Iala lies on the Eastern side of Lake Hrark. It was once a great city of the Laharin Elves.


The City of En-Iala was founded by Iala, the first wood elf. As the city grew, it attracted elves and humans of all varieties, though the population was predominantly Laharin Elves and accounted the majority of their people in existance at the time. It didn't have an official name until the death of its founder in 755, when it was dubbed En-Iala, roughly translating to Iala's home in the Common tongue. En-Iala remained the pinacle of Laharin civilization and power. The parties thrown by the worshippers of Laha-Milael are legendary for their revelry and grandeur.   In the year 3351 of the Modern Age, a massive horde of Hobgoblins, Bugbears, and other such vile creatures, came upon the city from the North; the first of these armies seen. It is unclear what brought the horde to En-Iala. Some suggest a divine or demonic guide brought them, others argue that they saw Iala's Beacon and moved to investigate it. Regardless of what brought them there, the city had never had a large military rival and the Hobgoblins had been warring amongst themselves for untold millennia, resulting in a lopsided battle over the city.  En-Iala's poorly defended gates were quickly overrun and the lower wards fell into chaos.  The elite of the city managed to put up a decent of the Highward, but knew they couldn't hold out for long.  In their desperation, they turned to a powerful team of wizards who, combining their power, wrote a master spell unlike any seen before or since.  They wrapped the weave of the area around the city with dark, necromantic magic.  As a result, all of the fallen rose a undead, intent on destroying all they came across.  The Horde was overcome, but there was no cause for celebration in the Elven ranks.  The necrotic shroud persisted and still does to this day.  Any creature that dies or corpse that is brought to the area will rise a zombie or skeleton and seek the life of the living.  The Elves  unable to remain, fled the city and were scattered across the width and breadth of The Great North Forest.   There have been attepts to return to En-Iala by several groups, most notably a group of Goblinoids in the 4040s.   In these days, the elves are gone, but Iala's beacon glows on in the grand city swarming with the dead.


Founding Date
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