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Unaaria of the Brook

Lael Unaaria (a.k.a. Archduchess of Artistry)

Divine Domains

Unaaria is the patron Archfey of art, with a particular focus on depictions of sapient creatures. Many of the great artists of the material plane have claimed Unaaria as their muse or patron, though she has few true priests. She does have a number of warlocks under contract; granting them power in exchange for them providing her and the world with beautiful works of art, particularily portraits of famous and important people.


Even the earliest records of Unaaria describe her having a number of earings in both ears, each shining like a small star. When one of her followers presents her with a suitably impressive work of art, she presents one of her earings as a token of her favour. It is said that a creature in possession of one of these earrings can use it to call upon Unaaria in a time of great need.   For lesser, bit still impressive works of art presented to her, Unaaria will sometimes gift one of her paint brushes. These brushes never run out of paint and can paint in whatever colour the creature using it desires.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A paintbrush dipped in multicoloured ink.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As an Archfey, Unaaria can change her form at will, though she most commonly appears as a twelve foot tall woman of an Elvish form with long blonde hair and solid blue eyes.

Special abilities

Just like other Dieties, Unaaria has ultimate control of her own portion of the Feywild, called Unaaria's Brook. Anything she wishes to be so inside her realm is so.

Apparel & Accessories

Unaaria chooses to appear in various forms of dress, often influenced by the garb of her chosen subjects, the mortals of the material plan; if a certain style is popular on the material plane, it is likely that Unaaria will chose to wear it for a time. Regardless of what clothing she choses to wear, Unaaria has always worn a number of silver earrings set with shining white gemstones.



Unaaria speaks both Sylvan and Elvish, though she seldom says anything directly to any mortal, save her most devouted priests and warlocks. It is not uncommon for visitors to her realm in the Feywild, Unaaria's Brook, to hear her singing or humming various songs, most in Sylvan and Elvish.

Hobbies & Pets

Unaaria's realm is guarded by 3 great cats named Freya, Monk, and Apollo; each standing nearly four feet at the shoulder. They sun themselves on the rocks, in the trees, and by the brook, ever watching for those who would disturb their mistress and her art.   Unaaria spends the vast majority of her time painting portraits, landscapes, and other art on the cliff face of her realm. She uses powerful scrying magic on the pool at the base of her waterfall to conjure images of the material plane to use as references, painting their likeness on the cliff with the colours of her brook. Some portraits take her little more than an hour while others she agonizes over every detail for weeks or even years until finally deciding it complete. Once an image has fully dried, she peels the top most layer of the stone and sets it aside in some demi-plane some call Unaaria's Vault only to be seen on rare occasions when she sees fit to display a certain piece or collection of related pieces.
Divine Classification
Current Residence
Known Languages
Sylvan and Elvish
Ruled Locations

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