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History of The Realm of Milnir

Era of Light

... 900000 EL

  • -99999999999 EL

    Celestial / Cosmic

    The endless darkness of the void is struck by the blinding light of The Two. Eldritch beings from beyond time and space go into hiding. The first Gods are made.

  • -1300000 EL

    -900000 EL

    The First

    After creating the Gods, The Two dissapeared. Infused with their will, the Gods created The Lights, the first beings to roam the realm. The Lights became Milnir's body and soul, as they infused the grounds and skies with their essence.

The First Age

900000 EL 700000 EL

  • -199999 TFA

    Inhabitants of the First Age

    The Light's energy gave life to beings made of pure Mil and Mal. The Giants, Dragons and Demons rose, led by their respective leaders. Frøtmäg, The Giant King, first of his kind, ruled over the first Giants that inhabited Isspeak. Krill, the Fearsome Archdemon ruled over the Lands of the Demons, R’us. And The Great Dragons overlooked the skies and the Draconic Lands, with Zauth the Greatwyrm leading them.

The Cleansing

700000 EL 300000 EL

The inhabitants of The First Age, hungry in their search for power and led by unbridled ambition begin to seek the power of Creation and Destruction of the very Gods. They declare war against the Gods and band together to take them down and steal their energy. Countless champions of the Gods fall at the hands of the Giants and the Demons. The Chromatic Dragons and the Metallic Dragons divide themselves as the Chromatics seek to steal the Gods' power while the Metallics seek to assist the Gods.

  • -440000 TC

    Battle of Isspeak
    Disaster / Destruction

    While battling countless champions of the Gods, Frøtmäg protects the city of Isspeak from the assault. A champion of Himinn, God of the Skies, rejects his faith and embraces the influence of Zalaxar, God of Decay. In this act, the Iceheart Plague is released upon the Giant Lands, destroying both their kind and a big number of the Champions of the Gods. A weakened and angered Frøtmäg seeks out Himinn in search of revenge, in a great battle in which he falls, piercing the skies and severing the connection between the now Halsar and the Gods. The Frozen Wastelands reside where Isspeak once was.  

  • -425000 TC

    Destruction of Dragonkind

    Dragonkind battles itself, with the Chromatics and the Metallics seeking different objectives. In this conflict, most of Dragonkind becomes extinct, with only a few remaining on both sides, which go into hiding. Zauth the Greatwyrm, saddened by the carnage, vanishes to places unknown.  

  • -424000 TC

    -299999 TC

    Battle of the Gods
    Military: War

    Due to Zalaxar's plague which destroyed Giantkind, the Gods of Creation and Destruction were permanently divided. A short-lived (by their standards) war that would encompass the next 100 thousand years started between the Gods, as each side blamed the other for the conflict. Tharaxis, God of Balance, seeked to appease the fighting and reach a compromise between the two sides, but his seemingly naive efforts caused him to be caught in the crossfire, where he perished. However, his death was not in vein...  

    Champions of the gods in battle with the titanic dieties

The Great Reformance

300000 EL 0 EL

Reawakened by Tharaxis' death, The Two returned to the Realm for all The Gods to see. Wordlessly, a great shame was felt upon the souls of The Gods for their actions. It was then that The Two created two new children of Creation and Destruction: Life and Death.

  • -299999 TGR

    Life, Death and Mortality

    The Two gave form to Life and Death. Life formed the first mortals. Elves, Humans, and Dwarves, and infused them with the essense of Mil, while Death infused them with the essence of Mal, as he helped Tharaxis' celestial soul to pass on. Although still very primal in their natures, mortals had something that the other inhabitants of the plane before them had never possessed: The Ability to Grow, to Evolve. Learn and change. Mil and Mal were no longer the source of their drive, their own nature was. Mortals became different, in size, culture, ideology. They were capable of adapting and shifting their approach. Of inventing and changing who and what they are.

  • -299998 TGR

    The Departure

    Seeing the damage their actions caused, the Gods pledged to never have such a direct involvement in the matters of Milnir ever again. This event has been named The Departure, and although the Gods still reside over our Realm, their presence has taken a back seat to the matters which involve mortals. They overlook their respective fields and are only there to restore balance to the Plane upon cataclysmic circumstances.

  • -15100 TGR

    Elven society

    Elven culture and society is established, as they settle near the Eastern side of West Milnir. Their people inhabit the groves and lush forests in the area, which start to become magical and grow way beyond that of normal standards due to the celestial essence of the Elves.

  • -11514 TGR

    -7926 TGR

    First Elven Kingdom of Isnor

    Elven society establishes the first Kingdom of Isnor, overlooked by a council of Elves made up of powerful elven marklines and their societal influence. A general unrest rises upon their society due to the disconnection their culture is starting to have with nature, prioritizing status and power above all.

  • -11100 TGR

    Dwarven Society

    Similarly to Elves, Dwarves rise above their primal ways and establish complex communities. They settle on the northern side of West Milnir, with complex tunnel systems and mines which they build upon the mountains of the Firepeak belt.

  • -8765 TGR

    -6051 TGR

    Dwarven Kingdom of Tol Garuhm

    The First dwarven Kingdom of Tol Garuhm is established, led by the Garuhm dynasty. They hold a strong focus around mining and seek to expand their underground Kingdom further. Firepeak is established as the capital of dwarvenkind.

  • -7926 TGR

    -11 TGR

    Theocracy of Arvandor

    Isnor's social unrest grows larger and larger until protests and conflict begin to plague the Kingdom. Eventually, a coup is led by Arel Krisphine, Sun elven leader of the druidic purity front, who would go on to found the Theocracy of Arvandor, which held strong druidic ideals of the purity and sanctity of nature. During this period, druidic practises became common around Elven culture, with the Head Archdruid leading the political landscape of the nation.

    More reading
  • -7100 TGR

    Human society

    Finally, mankind reaches an advanced level of civilization, as they begin to form communities and complex structures. They settle around the West side of Milnir, with villages, towns and basic technology being developed.

  • -6051 TGR

    Kingdom of Ironclaw

    The Kingdom of Ironclaw is established by the Ironclaw clan, who replace the Garuhm dynasty in a long internal conflict between the two families. During their rule, many of the same values of Tol Garuhm were maintained related to mining and underground expansion. However, the Ironclaw clan prioritized living and working conditions for the Dwarven population, which can still be seen today.

  • -5161 TGR

    -921 TGR

    The first human civilizations

    As humanity grew and expanded, some of the first large scale civilizations arose. (Read full entry for more details)

  • -1126 TGR


    Orcish War
    Military: War

    Ynnkrug, wishing for more conflict, creates beings from the Frozen Wastelands to siege the Realm: The Orcs. These orcs ravage through the southern sectors of Arvandor and old Hashlan, causing conflict and death along their path. The war lasts roughly 200 years, up until orogs begin to form after deflecting from Ynnkrug's influence and being gifted knowledge by Illnis. Thanks to them assisting the elven armies in their war effort, the head warlord of the Orcish war, a fearsome warrior of Ynnkrug named Painbearer, was brought down in a bloody siege in his headquarters somewhere within the borders of the Frozen Wastelands. Peace was achieved once more, and Orogs were welcomed into Arvandorian society, as well as the rest of the Realm.

  • -921 TGR

    -11 TGR

    Human Empire of Adar

    The Human Empire of Adar is established. Created by the Adar family, using the disparate communities of the Western lands' desperation, Adar seeked to expand its territory and culture across the rest of the world. With this objective, it began colonizing the surrounding areas of West Milnir, invading Elven and Dwarven land. During this, The Great War started, where the three nations of Arvandor, Ironclaw and Adar would begin to fight amongts eachother.   Emperor Adar, seemingly immortal through what him and his loathsome court deemed "divine power", manipulated his people into despising the other cultures of the Realm, and ruled with an iron fist.

    More reading
    Empire of Adar
  • -711 TGR

    -11 TGR

    The Great War

    A Great War occurred between the three nations of Adar, Arvandor and Ironclaw. This conflict raged for 700 years, with no side managing to conquer the other. The Human Empire of Adar seeked to expand its territory, and so invaded the Dwarves and the Elves. The Dwarves declared war on the Elves as their kind was stealing the precious and rare metal of Mithrill from their territory. The Elves retaliated against both sides in response to being attacked.

  • -11 TGR

    -1 TGR

    End of the War and start of The Trinity

    During the conflict of The Great War, things were looking dire. It was as this conflict was brewing that heroes had to step in to bring balance once again. Lamis, The Archdruid, started adventuring throughout the land, bringing together communities and people from all sides. It was in these travels that Auth, Archmage of the Adarian Court, and Öldrin, Prince of the Dwarves and heir to the dwarven throne of Ironclaw, came together to seize the conflict and unify the people. In their efforts, they manage to stop the conflict between the Arvandor and Ironclaw, and stopped the expansion of Adar by rallying the people and leading an attack against the ruler, Emperor Klär Adar. Establishing a new ruler, stopping the war, and unifying the three nations under Trinity, the Kingdom of Sioa was created and Arvandor changed into a republic.

  • -1 TGR

    The Primordial War

    Years after the end of The Great War, another great catastrophy struck our Realm. The Primordial Lords of the Elemental Planes struck against the Material Plane in search of expansion and territory. Fighting both the Material Plane and eachother for control, the impact this conflict had upon the Realm was devastating. The Weave was shook, and Primordial energies seeped into our own blood, creating Genasi. Once again, Lamis the Archdruid, Auth, Archmagister of Sioa and Öldrin, The Dwarven King got together to put an end to the conflict. By defeating the Primordial Lords in combat in the case of Ragnor, Lord of Fire and Zephyr, the Storm King, and reaching and gaining the trust of Nereida, the Ocean Queen and Grom, the Mountain Lord, they managed to form peace between the Realms and Unify them as well. The Primordial Lords were granted the Primordial Isles, overlooked by the Gods and their planes connected with our own through the formation of The Great Tree at the hands of Lamis. This marks the start of the Age of Progress.

Age of Progress

1 AP and beyond

The Age of Progress was established after the creation of The Great Tree at the center of Milnir, the formation of The Trinity, and the peace treaty between the Primordial Lords and our Realm. It is the current age we live in, and distinguished by its strong expansion and innovation, most importantly with the rise of Arcanotech from Sioan artificers and inventors.

  • 38 AP

    Rising of the Lich King and the fall of East Milnir

    After the conflicts were done, Expansion efforts overtook the Land. Many inhabited Eastern Milnir already due to the Empire's previous expansion, but with the formation of Trinity, true expansion and diversity was able to be achieved. Booming in progress, Eastern Milnir began to grow in numbers and people. However, this would be short-lived... Auth attempts to ascend to lichdom, fearing his death from old age. Lamis and Öldrin attempt to stop him, but to no avail. Lamis, before succumbing to his injuries, manages to lock Auth into the Forbidden Isle, where he resides today. Curses and evil forces spread across East Milnir, turning it almost uninhabitable.

  • 40 AP

    Protectors of the Great Tree and the decay of East Milnir

    After Auth's ritual almost bringing absolute chaos to the Realm and his sworn vengeance upon Lamis' will, the Protectors of the Great Tree are created. East Milnir falls into absolute chaos, as the creatures of the night overtake most of the land.

  • 117 AP

    East Milnir is reborn

    Ehrsbach, the old territory of East Milnir's cultures before Auth's uprising, is born anew under the title of the Grand Duchy of Ehrsbach. Dividing itself among the many houses of its new aberrant inhabitants, all guided by Him, the Grand Duchy has found its place upon this Realm, and has seemingly no intentions of limiting themselves to just their territory. The only reassurance from this fact, the looming threat of their ever present expansion, is that the cultures of Ehrsbach are too preocuppied stopping the Colony of Anthold's own expansion, which in the absence of Western occupation managed to evolve way beyond what was thought possible for the Formicans and has elected to wage war against Ehsrbach (And the rest of the Realm for that matter).   Caught in an endless conflict, with the survivors of its old culture being ruled over by the new arrivals of Auth's curse, East Milnir has been brought to life once more.

  • 195 AP

    King Öldrin steps down

    King Öldrin steps down from his position as King due to his old age. He is replaced by Jörig Ironclaw, heir to the throne.

  • 235 AP

    Tieflings are created

    As The Children of Krill seek to fuse their flesh and blood with that of their Demonic bretheren, they create a foul ritual with which Tieflings are created. Originally, they would do this to fully formed adults with varying degrees of success, up until they found unborn and newborn children had a much higher success rate, which brought a new generation of Tieflings to Milnir.

  • 248 AP

    Implementation of Arcanotech
    Technological achievement

    Arcanotech is invented and implemented into everyday life. Tornath, the Arcanist Savant, makes a breakthrough with his new technological invention, the Mil Core.

  • 254 AP

    The first Automatons

    Automatons begin production and distribution across the Realm, becoming an essential and inescapable part of life