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*deceased* - Regina Onyx

[deceased] - Regina Onyx

The party encountered Regina Onyx while scouting the dragon Ilizinnii's lair, where she appeared to be an ally of the dragon and briefly did battle with the party. She aided in the capture of Lucretia and kept her alive while the rest of the party retreated to Veruda, seemingly due in part to a familiarity with Lucretia's father Alistair. The party encountered her again within the lair as they attempted to rescue Lucretia; during this battle she appeared to be a capable necromancer, nearly escaping before being brought down by Oliver and Clarissa. During this fight, she seemed to take joy in the suffering she caused.   Any chance Regina had to be healed or resurrected where destroyed when her body was caught in not one, but two blasts of dragonfire; Oliver managed to loot her corpse before it was reduced to ash and bone. Her nature is thus a mystery, but during these short encounters she appeared to walk the line between life and death-- similarly to Lucretia in some ways, or the party's classmate Alecto Yatari.

The firstborn daughter of Seraphina Onyx, who the party encountered and killed in Ilizinnii's lair.

View Character Profile
Date of Death
21 of Summer, 1088
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the party.
Place of Death
Ilizinnii's Lair
She / Her
Aligned Organization


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