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The Darktongue Cabal

Not all those who practice magic agreed with the banning of dark magic throughout the realms; there are those who would argue that magic is neither good nor evil, and that morality cannot be determined simply by which spell one casts. Over the decades, these dark magic practitioners have continued their work in secret, passing their teachings down to those who wish to learn in order to keep their craft alive.    The Darktongue Cabal is a secret organization that represents such an effort well. Made up of a small collection of intellectually like-minded mages scattered across Raen'dor, the members of the Cabal share their studies and seek out relics of the Undying King as they further their understanding of dark magics in secret. Their name is derived from the Shadowfell language Darktongue, which very few scholars recognize or read; members of the Cabal use Darktongue to encode their letters and spellbooks, making it nearly impossible for the uninitiated to decipher their meanings. While each member of the Cabal varies in terms of morality and drive, they all agree that laws prohibiting magic limits the progress of all mages-- and so they study in the shadows, working with criminals and resorting to extreme measures for safety.


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