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Autumn, 1087 - The First Semester

This first entry summarizes our protagonists' first semester at Nightcrest Academy. In some ways, this time is a prologue of the greater story to come-- we as players know that these characters will end up in a party together, but this is the story of what led up to that moment. The events of this arc set the stage for what is to come, from backstory introductions to relationships with other students to mysteries that can only be unraveled in time. Start date for this plot also marks the beginning of our campaign: The 68th of Summer in the Year 1087, when each of our protagonists arrived at Hero's Landing and were accepted into Nightcrest Academy.



Though their reasons for applying to Nightcrest Academy for Adventurers vastly differ, the destinies of our four protagonists-- Fantasia Honeymeadow, Oliver Roche, Lucretia Ambrose, and River-- began to intertwine when they were each accepted at part of the Academy's 98th class. They are each so different from one another that their paths are slow to cross, but by fate or by chance they are brought together again and again. As each of them settles into life as a student at Nightcrest, they develop their first friendships and rivalries with among their class; Fantasia searches for romance in the wake of a terrible breakup, Lucretia searches for hidden secrets in the school, Oliver works to decode the mysterious tomb he brought with him, and River tries to fit in to an environment that feels absolutely overwhelming to her.   Despite their obvious differences, our four protagonists get up to their fair share of trouble-- from Fantasia and Lucretia breaking into another dorm room to Oliver learning about a secret study. The peaks of this action were a fight with an otherworldly monster in the abandoned tower (part of a deal made with Theran, who was hunting the creature), saving Keri from rampaging hellhounds in the Lost Woods, and eventually discovering the dark mage Emeline Snowstride-- a conflict that ended in Oliver taking a life for the first time.    Not all their personal journeys were so dire, however; River managed to prove herself above all others in the biweekly duels between students, with Fantasia close behind in terms of wins. Oliver discovered the Darktongue language and began using it to decode his strange book, and Lucretia began to dig deeper into the secrets of the school itself. While River had a bumpy first finals week, everyone in their own ways began to prove that they deserved to be at Nightcrest-- whether they themselves believed it, or not.



  • Fantasia Honeymeadow
  • Oliver Roche
  • Lucretia Ambrose
  • River


  • Aurelia Merdon (Fantasia's best friend at Nightcrest; has a crush on her)
  • Vice Dalibor (Oliver's roommate, and close ally of both Oliver and Lucretia)
  • Keri Edena (Fantasia's first romantic interest-- and soon romantic partner-- at Nightcrest. Also a friend of River's)
  • Rory Auliffe (River's roommate; a friend of hers, but also lazy and unreliable)
  • Clarissa Blythe (Joins Oliver, Lucretia and Vice's small group; helps Lucretia learn how to pick locks)
  • Siobhan Tearlag (Second-year student who tipped Oliver off to secret study; now a friend of Oliver and Lucretia)


(basically anyone who isn't listed here, student or faculty or otherwise, is neutral, but these are the characters we've gotten to know but aren't sure about yet).  
  • Passion Pykos (Lucretia's roommate; friends with Fantasia, but often insults her and everyone else around her)
  • Freya Dumaine (Fantasia's roommate, but closer to River; accompanies her to social events and studies with her. Nice, but also a goodie-two-shoes who would snitch if she found out the rules everyone is breaking)
  • Theran Nassal (not an ally, but did make a deal with protagonists to help him kill a monster; owes Lucretia, River and Fantasia favors)
  • Fitzwilliam Wildemere (doesn't seem to like most of the protagonists, and started some shit early with Vice; however, seems to still care about Lucretia due to their childhood history)
  • Ankle Biter (Keri's roommate; hasn't really helped with anything or gotten close to anyone, but a possible ally)
  • Ernesto Fox (invited everyone to the Half-House party; seems friendly, but also sketchy)
  • Ellasara Fox (seems to have taken an interest in Lucretia; seems untrustworthy, but hasn't done anything to harm anyone... yet)


(Rivals would be a better term for this category).  
  • Alecto Yatari (just an asshole to everyone, but in particular pissed off Oliver; fought him at Half-House party)
  • Talos Blackhoof (also mostly a rival by virtue of being a bully; Oliver has a grudge against him too)
  • Isaiah Noveron (clocked Lucretia as undead and threatened her at Half-House party; beat up Oliver in same night)


  • Emmeline Snowstride (discovered and confronted by protagonists after she sent a babau to kill Clarissa; killed by Oliver Roche)
Completion Date
70 of Autumn, 1087
Plot type
Major Arc 1: Nightcrest Academy, Year 1
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