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Nightcrest Academy for Adventurers

Established in the Year 989 in the name and wishes of the hero Castalia Nightcrest after the defeat of the Undying King, attending Nightcrest Academy for Adventurers has become the dream of countless young people across Raen’dor; stories of epic quests, daring feats, fame, and fortune glamourize the life of an adventurer. For most, however, this dream is only a dream. Nightcrest is an exclusive institution, for good reason– stories are one thing, but actually pursuing this life is to embrace a life of constant risk and danger. Only a fraction of application letters receive an invitation to travel and be screened for acceptance for this reason, which only adds to the mystique of both adventuring and Nightcrest itself. As our story begins, each of you has received such an invitation; if you make the journey to Heroes’ Landing and are accepted, you will sail to Nightcrest and begin your training as the next generation of adventurers. Whatever you make of this opportunity, whatever your goals for your future are, this document will give you a taste of what you can expect as a student at Nightcrest Academy.   A Brief History   Nightcrest Academy was founded in the Year 989, soon after the final defeat of the Undying King at the hands of The Evenlights. While each of the members of that legendary party have since been honored for a myriad of accomplishments, Lady Castalia Nightcrest– the one who struck the final blow that destroyed the Undying King forever– had made clear her vision for a bright future in the wake of her sacrifice. She had outlined plans for an academy for adventurers, to pass along the knowledge of the Evenlights and other heroes of her time; this plan was followed through by her close friend and fellow party member Theodas Wildemere, who founded Nightcrest in her name and served as the first headmaster of the school until his passing. Alongside the school itself, an Adventurer’s Guild was formed by Wildemere and two of his fellow Evenlights: Queen Imogen Duhem, the first Queen of a united Raen’dor, and Ser Gawain Cadwal, a paladin who later went on to become Lord of the Ardenwood.   While Imogen Duhem was Queen (and Cadwal as well as others were landed nobles as well as adventurers), the Adventurer’s Guild headquarters were built in the city of Eiderloch; meanwhile, Nightcrest Academy– a great, shining castle– was built on an island to the west. The Academy’s remote position was meant to shield young students from the conflicts of the wider world during their training, as well as contain any wayward magic or monsters should some advanced lessons go wrong. Each year, prospective students were asked to send letters of application to Nightcrest; even that first year, the number of letters far exceeded the number of accepted applicants. Castalia Nightcrest had wanted Nightcrest to be a school for young adventurers; there was much debate during the Academy’s construction regarding the age of acceptance, but it eventually settled upon that anyone 18 years (or the equivalent age of maturity, for longer-lived folk) or older could apply to the school. While the ages of students varied a bit more in the early years, these days nearly every prospective applicant sends their letter upon turning 18. To separate the younger students from older, more experienced prospective adventurers, those who wish to join the Guild can simply take a variation of Nightcrest’s final exam through the Guild itself in order to earn their Mark.   As time passed, it became abundantly clear that both the Academy and the Guild must remain politically neutral; while its founding by the Evenlights was in good faith, many sought to exploit the new system for personal or political gain. This neutrality has remained a point of tension throughout the Academy’s history, perhaps best highlighted by a scandal involving Wildemere’s successor Patrius Claron; the second headmaster of Nightcrest occupied the position for less than a decade before stepping down in light of multiple accusations of corruption and involvement in politics. To this day, many nobles believe that the Adventurer’s Guild and Nightcrest should be beholden to the crown– or open to accepting deals and alliances with the various powers of Raen’dor.   Regardless, Nightcrest Academy has remained true to the vision of Castalia Nightcrest and become a highly venerated institution within its near-century lifespan. The majority of adventurers working today graduated from Nightcrest, and those who did not attend the school passed the final test to become official members of the Adventurer’s Guild. To bear the Mark of the Guild– an arcane tattoo of a crescent moon– is to be exceptional; to be an adventurer is to be sought after for work that no other can or will do, and to be honored by all for your accomplishments and deeds in life. The most successful and daring adventurers are granted an almost celebrity status, and even those who live more “average” adventuring lives are often granted privileged positions in society. Many dream of this life– some for a purpose, some for prestige, and some simply for the thrill. Whatever the case, many adventurers have claimed that their lives first truly began in the halls of Nightcrest Academy.     Academic Outline   The journey of each student of Nightcrest begins with an invitation to the port of Heroes’ Landing during the last weeks of Summer, where a screening is conducted by members of the Academy’s staff to evaluate a prospective student’s potential. The exact details of such a screening are not widely known because they vary greatly, but prospective students can generally expect a sort of interview followed by a demonstration of their talent and/or abilities. Upon conclusion of the screening, a student will be told whether they are accepted or not; if they are, they board the ferry across the bay to the island where Nightcrest awaits!   Once accepted, students live within Nighcrest (more on this later) and study at the Academy for three years. Each academic year begins promptly on the 1st of Autumn, and concludes on the final day of the following Spring. Autumn, Winter and Spring make up the three trimesters of an academic year; students are given the season of Summer to take a break from their studies, with small breaks during the last week of each trimester. They are allowed to remain in student housing for their summer break if they please, though many return home to visit friends and family during this time.   The three-year curriculum of Nightcrest Academy aims to not only train and prepare each individual student for a life of adventure, but also to teach them how to work as a team (or party). Following the example set by the Evenlights and other adventuring parties, the party as a concept has been central to the curriculum– and to the Adventurer’s Guild– since their founding. While it is not unheard of for adventurers to work alone after earning their Mark, most choose to do so under the employ of nobles or other benefactors rather than on Guild jobs. The core philosophy taught to every student at Nightcrest is that alone, a well-prepared adventurer can survive nearly any situation; however, a well-prepared and well-coordinated party can not just survive, but prevail. With this philosophy in mind, Nightcrest’s three-year curriculum is designed as follows:  
  • First Year: Students attend large classes covering a variety of broad topics, from physical conditioning to lectures on history and arcane lore. While there will be some distinction between courses depending on a student’s abilities, all students must attend and pass these baseline classes in order to continue their more personalized studies. All student progress is individual. This year ends with final course exams, as well as meetings with professors in order to establish parties for the following years (students are informed of their finalized parties early in the summer following finals). First Year students are provided housing in dormitories directly within the castle, living with a randomly assigned roommate, so as to be as close to both classes and Academy resources as possible.
  • Second Year: Based on meetings held at the end of students’ first year, students are placed in parties of six (following the model of the Evenlights, who had six members before Castalia Nightcrest’s death). While students have a say in who they would live to be “partied” with, those who do not fit into certain parties may be placed based on which other students a professor thinks will complement their skills/personality. Second Year classes become more specialized; depending on their individual skills, students will be placed (or allowed to choose) courses that deal more specifically with their areas of interest and study. In addition to smaller classes where progress is measured individually, each party will take classes with a professor who will be assigned as that party’s advisor; this advisor works with them to develop skills and tactics as a group. The year ends with final course exams, as well as a competition between the Second Year parties that varies in design from year to year. Students are provided apartments built on school grounds, where they will live with the five other members of their party for the remainder of their time as students.
  • Third Year: During the first trimester of this final year, each party of students is sent to a location throughout Raen’dor and sponsored by a member of the Adventurer’s Guild (almost always a former student of Nightcrest). Under the guidance of this sponsor as well as their advisor, they will learn and work in order to gain real-world experience and embark on (supervised and approved) adventures for the first time. After returning from this venture in the Winter, students will resume their studies with small, individualized courses as well as continue to train with their party. This final stretch of courses is meant to push students to go beyond standard learning and unlock their full unique potential. The year ends with a final test of aptitude rather than individual course finals; students are tested as a party, and then as an individual, to the full extent of their capabilities before graduating and receiving their Mark during the final week of Spring.
While this is the general path that all students take from acceptance to graduation, the individual academic experience (especially for Second and Third Year students) varies greatly depending on their skills and the other members of their party. The professors of Nightcrest do their best to accommodate for these vast differences, and everyone at the Academy is dedicated to the success and personal growth of its students. Flunking out of the Academy is rare for this reason, but the threat is always real; students are given fair warning when they are in danger of failure (which is usually enough of a threat to provide a wake-up call), but those who do not heed this warning are sent home after the academic year concludes– or, in the rare case of troublemakers, after merely a trimester.   Perhaps of equal risk to students is the threat of injury or— in a few rare cases throughout the Academy’s history– death. Adventuring is a notoriously dangerous profession, and the training students undergo at Nightcrest (especially during the third and final year) aims to prepare them for that reality. While lessons and trials are controlled to the best of the Academy’s ability and professors are always on alert, total safety can never be assured if students are to learn the risks of adventuring.   Student Life   While not attending classes, students have a variety of options for how to spend their time at Nightcrest Academy. The castle has indoor and outdoor spaces for studying, socialization and activities, from its great library to the training grounds. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served each night in the Academy’s mess hall; it is expected that first-year students will attend all meals while they are living within the castle, while meals are optional for second and third year students who check in ahead of time.   Professors, in addition to providing guidance and instruction in studies, also tend to serve as students’ first points of contact when it comes to any living concerns. Disputes between roommates and disruptions (in and out of the Academy) are often handled by professors, although there is additional staff that can provide help to students if a professor is not available. All professors live either in the castle itself or in the town of Nightcrest, depending on each of their personal situations; if a student needs something, a professor or staff member will always be close at hand.   Nightcrest Academy contains enough space and excitement to occupy most of a student’s time, but even if one grows bored the surrounding port town of Nightcrest offers taverns, shops, and various other points of interest for students to explore. To help students afford passage home to visit family or basic items they might need, students are given a stipend of gold at the start of each academic year; first year students are each given 20 gold, while the stipend increases for upper-class students. In addition to day-to-day courses and activities, Nightcrest Academy hosts a variety of events and gatherings for students.   Perhaps the most anticipated are the dances and accompanying parties that are thrown each year; the Midwinter’s Ball is the largest and most ceremonious of these events (with much ado about who is asking who to the dance!), although not the only one held each year. Students who enjoy more sporting competition will find events such as the annual Nightcrest Tournament (an evolution of the more traditional jousts favored by various nobles). Students might also form clubs based around shared interests, which can (and will) vary wildly depending on the students who are attending– one common example is students forming a dragonchess club to play games consistently, but just about any kind of club can be formed so long as it does not interfere with courses or Academy rules. Occasionally a professor might become involved in and sponsor a club, but most of the time these are casual, student-led groups used to meet new friends.


  • Nightcrest Academy Map
Nightcrest Academy School Rules    
  1. Students are expected to be present and punctual when arriving to classes; repeat failures to arrive prepared and on time will result in detention.
  2. The Academy library, offices and classroom close at midnight each night; after that curfew time, students are not permitted within the Academy (with the obvious exception of first year dormitories). Failure to comply with this rule will result in a warning, or detention if there are repeat offenses (or other rules being broken alongside this one).
  3. Fights between students outside of supervised training exercises are strictly forbidden; failure to comply with this rule will result in appropriate consequences, depending on the severity of the incident.
  4. Students are forbidden from stealing or borrowing items from other students without express permission, and are forbidden from trespassing within the private quarters of another student without permission. Failure to comply with this rule will result in appropriate consequences, depending on the severity of the incident.
  5. Students are forbidden from stealing or borrowing any Academy materials, equipment, or other items; if a student needs a specific item and cannot procure it for themselves, they should submit a request to Deputy Headmaster Eselamel or another member of Academy staff. Failure to comply with this rule will result in appropriate consequences, depending on the severity of the incident.
  6. Students are forbidden from entering restricted areas or opening/tampering with locked doors within the Academy; if a student requires access to a specific area within the Academy that is restricted, they should submit a request to Deputy Headmaster Eselamel or another member of Academy staff. Failure to comply with this rule will result in appropriate consequences, depending on the severity of the incident.
  7. The use/practice of forbidden magics (including but not limited to necromancy, sangromancy, and enchantments which would force one to act against their own will) are strictly forbidden; Nightcrest Academy acts in compliance with the Queen’s decree of outlawing such magics. Failure to comply with this rule will result in appropriate consequences, depending on the severity of the incident.


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