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The Eastern Midlands - Region Introduction

The Eastern Midlands are separated from the West not only by geography, but by history; whereas the Western Midlands have remained relatively peaceful, this realm has been scarred by famine and war. In ages past the influence of the Winter Queen and her Unseelie Court brought year-long winters down from the north, a fact now overshadowed by more recent tragedies: during the height of the Undying King’s power, these lands were subjugated by the lich. The open fields and tranquil forests of the Western Midlands were drawn under the influence of the Shadowfell during this time, with the Undying King even beginning to build a vile necropolis to call his capital city; even after the King’s eventual defeat, the power vacuum left in his wake led to several brief but bloody conflicts (both between noble houses vying for power, and clashes with lesser evils who tried to succeed the Undying King). Eventually these conflicts were settled, with two families rising to claim dominion over the east: House Vangrim, who rule the Fields of the Fallen (often simply called the Fields), and House Wildemere, who rule Redwood from the city of Kesgrave. Now, with the Shadowfell’s influence fading and Queen Eladel’s authority uniting the realms, there is finally peace in the Eastern Midlands; even still, echoes of past conflicts inform everything from the politics of its nobles to the everyday life of its peoples.
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