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The Lady of the Briars

Selephra (a.k.a. The Lady of the Briars)

Unique among Archfey, Selephra was once a dryad of the Seelie Court whose original grove was destroyed long ago; in order to gain revenge, she turned to the darker magic of the hags. She gained new power, but in exchange was transformed, fusing with the sole remaining tree of her desecrated grove so that it, too, could taste the blood of those who wronged her. Legends say that she had her revenge, and was exiled from the Seelie Court as a result-- now she is known as a member of the Unseelie Court, and a reminder of how easily magic can twist nature into something new. The stories and accounts of Selephra that do exist tell of a maze of brambles and thorns that she constantly weaves around her new home, where strange new plants take root. Her unique flora is said to produce potions of incredible power, but she rarely if ever leaves her maze-- and those who seek her garden rarely live to tell the tale.

An Archfey who is both a dryad and a hag; a member of the Unseelie Court.

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