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The Unseelie Court

The Unseelie Court (also known as the Winter Court) remains in the shadows while the Seelie Court dances in the light. Its members and followers, while widespread in their own right, primarily stalk the less hospitable areas of the Feywild and avoid mortals that do not cross into their territory. The Queen of Air and Darkness and her Unseelie Fey carry none of the pretense of the Summer Court, and as a result are much more outwardly threatening. The Winter Court, as such, has a reputation as the "dark" or "evil" Court; while there is plenty of merit to this view in the eyes of most mortals, it is only one of many ways in which the Unseelie might be understood. Queen Mab and her court are no more evil than they are good-- what they are is ruthless, cunning, and cold. These traits stem from Queen Mab herself, and are the key to surviving an encounter with a member of the Unseelie Court.   Survival of the Fittest

The most important value of the Winter Court is the ability to survive, which manifests in a variety of ways that are easily identifiable (according the the Unseelie). The Winter Court values strength, speed and other signs of physical prowess rather than any aesthetic traits; after all, only the strong can survive in the harshness of winter. Of course, one does not need physical strength if they are cunning enough to outsmart their prey. Any individual, Fey or mortal, who is strong enough of body or mind can earn respect from the Unseelie Court. Those who are weak are unworthy of such attention, as they are seen as simply destined to die. The Unseelie Fey tend to have a healthy respect for death, viewing the inevitable end as a constant challenge to overcome.   This connects to the emotional angle of survival; much in the way that the Summer Court values certain emotions, so too does the Winter Court. Under the right circumstances, the spirit and will of an individual to survive can outweigh any physical or mental shortcomings; strength can be obtained if one is willing to fight hard enough, but no amount of ability can save one who has lost the will to live. To understand the Unseelie way, one must understand that the need to survive trumps everything else-- personal desires, emotional connections, everything. Ruthlessness is held in especially high esteem within the Court, showing that an individual can make the right choices regardless of cost. Anger, which is seen as a motivator, is encouraged; determination and level-headedness are valued as well. Sadness and misery are not punished in the ways that they are among the Seelie, but they too are challenges meant to be overcome. Joy and happiness, meanwhile, should be squashed-- they are signs of weakness among the Unseelie Court. Some Unseelie Fey are actually unable to express "positive" emotions at all, or if they are able to do so in a way that mortals would likely find grotesque.   Hunt or Be Hunted

Fey of the Winter Court are not subtle tricksters with masked intentions; they are cold, relentless killers who relish an opportunity to show their strength. In the Feywild, this can sometimes manifest as Unseelie Fey acting incredibly territorial-- if another Fey or mortal crosses into their realm, it is seen as an invitation to be hunted. This sort of behavior feeds into the perception of the Unseelie as monsters, and some of them truly are; however, not all of them are so immediately violent that they must be treated as such. For every bloodthirsty Unseelie Fey that exists, there is another member of the Winter Court who lives in solitude, largely unbothered by mortals even as the Seelie Court obsesses over them. Even those who do attack travelers do so as a means of testing that traveler's strength. If one bests the Unseelie and proves they are worthy of respect, they might be allowed to pass through the Court's territory and may even gain an ally down the road.   Of course, that is no excuse to be careless when dealing with the Winter Court-- one wrong move, whether in a fight or in a conversation, could prove fatal. Perhaps some Unseelie have been maligned over the years, but they have also gained their reputation for a reason.   Unlikely Allies

The Unseelie are not usually prone to allying themselves with mortals. Usually, if an individual has an "ally" in the Winter Court, it means a temporary pact or bargain has been struck-- which almost always favors the Winter Court. Queen Mab and her court often tend to view these pacts as favors for worthy mortals, lending them a fraction of the Winter Court's power; however, the price for such a favor is often long stretches of servitude for the mortal (or another equally terrible price). Even in rare instances when a mortal is able to fight beside an Unseelie Fey, there is always the danger that the Unseelie abandon their ally or sacrifice them in order to live another day.   Despite all this, a few rare examples throughout history prove that it is possible for mortals to forge true alliances with Unseelie Fey. If the conditions are right, a mortal can earn the true respect of an Unseelie; if they do, they will find a ferocious companion who might bond to them almost as an animal would to members of its pack. Of course, the amount of times this has happened could likely be counted on one hand. It is simply not in the nature of Queen Mab or the Winter Court trust in anyone but themselves.


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