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The Queen of Air and Darkness / The Winter Queen

Queen Mab (a.k.a. The Queen of Air and Darkness; The Winter Queen)

The Queen of the Unseelie Court is one of the most ancient and powerful Archfey in the Feywild, rarely encountered by mortals. The few accounts of such mortals say that she is both beautiful and terrible to behold; her skin is said to sparkle like ice in moonlight, but her eyes are pitch-black and devoid of emotion or empathy. They say the mere sound of her voice is enough to send shivers down one's spine, and her every movement is that of a calculating predator. Mab can seem heartless and cruel, but those with the strength to withstand her intimidating aura might be allowed to ask a favor of her Court. She values the strength and will to survive above all, and sees the world outside her wintery domain as weak-- and thus, in need of a true challenge so that it may become strong.

The Fey Queen of the Unseelie Court.

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The Two Sisters
Some legends claim that Queen Titania and Queen Mab are sisters; one born on the longest day of the year, the other born on the shortest. An actual relationship of this nature has never been proven (especially given the fact that no mortal knows how the Queens came to be), but their constant squabbles certainly reflect the rivalries and spats observed between siblings. Of course, it may be foolish to look to mortal behaviors in order to explain these ancient Fey; that said, the idea is compelling enough that some to this day take it as fact (or at the very least, a strong likelihood).
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