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The Seelie Court

The Seelie Court (also known as the Summer Court) is the more widespread and influential of the two Courts; its members and followers are spread across the Feywild, and are more likely to mingle with mortals than Unseelie (or unaligned) fey. The Summer Court (by both mortal perception and its own designs) has long been viewed as the "light" or "good" Court, and have used this perception to manipulate and deceive mortals into furthering their goals. This is not to say that Queen Titania and the Seelie Court are evil-- at least, no more than they are good. Rather, the Seelie Court's ambitions and reputation stem from the whims of Queen Titania herself, and in turn are shared among many of the Court's most active members. Understanding these values is the key to understanding the Seelie Court.   Beauty Above All

The single most important value of the Seelie Court is the importance placed on beauty. While the common saying may be that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", Queen Titania and the Seelie Fey understand beauty quite differently than mortals do. To them, beauty is both an attainable aesthetic and a state of being; people, objects, actions, and emotions can all be beautiful, and that beauty is something to be cultivated and protected. What makes an object beautiful aligns with how mortals understand beauty: attractive colors, interesting shapes, artistic creations, and so on. Music, dance, fashion, craftsmanship... all of these things are cherished by the Summer Court (it is even said that the reason mortals are more likely to interact with this Court is that mortals have introduced Queen Titania and other fey to new forms of art over time). Life and nature are both inherently beautiful to the Seelie as well, which often aligns the interests of the Summer Court with that of many druids.   As far as what makes a person beautiful, there are several factors. Aesthetically, one tends to be judged not only on physical features but how one's style and attitude elevates/highlights what make those features beautiful; even those not blessed with natural beauty can be accepted into the Summer Court if they put in the effort (though, natural beauty never hurts one's chances). Perhaps even more important is how an individual acts and emotes in the presence of Seelie Fey. Joy and expressions of joy (smiles, laughter, etc.) are among the most beautiful of emotions, according to the Seelie; other examples of beautiful emotions include confidence, ecstasy, optimism, and curiosity.   If an individual is viewed as aesthetically and emotionally beautiful by Queen Titania or the Court, they will find it easy to get along with the Seelie Fey; however, those who do not will experience the darker side of the Summer Court. Because beauty is that which must be cherished and upheld, so too it means that the world must be rid of ugliness. Just as emotions can be beautiful, they can be ugly-- any hint of sadness or anger in the midst of a Summer Court revel could result in the immediate exile of the "ugly" individual. Among True Seelie Fey, negative emotions tend to physically mark the body; any tear shed stains the face black, and an expression of rage might contort one's features beyond recognizability. While these physical changes don't apply to mortals, failure to meet the standards of the Court will nonetheless quickly sour any good graces.   Fittingly, a Fey's perception of beauty is only surface level-- they cannot tell what one is feeling beneath their outward expression, so it is possible to fool a Seelie Fey even if one is scared or upset (though to do so is quite dangerous if caught).   Tricks and Temptations

Because members of the Seelie Court place beauty on such a high pedestal, it is easy for mortals to be deceived into thinking Seelie Fey mean no harm. They appear as friends to weary travelers and whomever else they meet, offering food or shelter or a place by their fire; some may even invite travelers to dance or sing with them. While it is not unheard of for these encounters to be harmless, it is just as common for the them to be incredibly dangerous. A Seelie Fey might use this kindness as leverage to gain a mortal's help, as an excuse to steal from them, or even to trap them in the Feywild forever. Each Fey has its own whims and desires, but in general mortals should remember that even well-meaning Seelie might be dangerous to trust.   This is easier said than done, of course-- the Summer Court and its folk are nothing if not alluring, even to those who by all means should know better. It can be easy to fall into the trap of "that wouldn't happen to me!" when it comes to being tricked by a Seelie Fey, and often those who are overprepared are just as likely to be tricked as those who know nothing.   Fickle Friends

While the Seelie can be dangerous, it is accurate to say that in (more recent) history the Summer Court has provided the mortals of Raen'dor with valuable allies. Several nobles and heroes of the recent ages have forged partnerships or pacts with Queen Titania, and other members of the Court proved to be key figures in the fight against the Undying King. Alliances between mortals and the Seelie are forged easily when the natural world or great works of art are at stake; the Undying King was an easy foe to rally against in this sense, as the death and destruction he brought were supremely ugly things. While not every situation is so cut and dry, a Seelie fey can prove to be a wonderful ally and even a great friend under the right conditions-- and in a few rare cases, even after those conditions have changed.   Again, however, one must be cautious. While some Seelie might remain friendly towards certain mortals once a bond has been formed, Queen Titania herself is not so loyal. The Summer Court must be approached as if for the first time with each new opportunity for an alliance; while past victories and shared goals might be remembered, they will never outweigh the prevailing whims of the Summer Queen.


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