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The Waking Wetlands - Region Introduction

While other realms of Raen’dor experience their fair share of strange and unique magical phenomena, few are as overtly noticeable as the Waking Wilds; true to its name, the land here quite simply comes to life. One might lean on a tree only to have it lumber away, or have their fishing trip interrupted by the stirring of a water elemental. Fey spirits and wild magic stir these lands, making them dangerous and unpredictable to travel through. Closer to the southern mountains that separate the Wetlands from Serediza, huge boulders float suspended in the air, sometimes tethered to each other by thick vines or trees that have grown atop them. Combined with its more usual teeming wildlife, the Waking Wetlands are among the most dynamic of Raen’dor’s environments.
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