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The Pact of Melting Snow

Diplomatic action

Year 294: The Age of Bone Begins

The course of Raen'dor's history was changed forever in the Year 294, when seven noble families met with both Queen Titania and Queen Mab to write the Pact of Melting Snow. Named after the historical peacetime that the realms had enjoyed after the First Fey War, the Pact essentially forbid the Queens (or any member of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts) from directly interfering in the lives of mortals who were not already beholden. While the Courts' tended to scheme and pull strings before, they were now bound by the Laws of Fey (which the Pact was woven in to by Titania and Mab) and unable to pull strings without the mortals involved knowing explicitly what they were getting into. In the centuries since the Pact, Fey of both Courts have realized that mortals can still be manipulated into willingly becoming involved with their schemes; even still, the Pact to this day holds true. With the Pact of Melting Snow begins a new era in Raen'dor's history-- with the course of that history now directly in the hands of its people.

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