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History of The Realms

The Age of Two Seasons

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  • Year 1: The Age of Two Seasons Begins
    The Great Planar Shift
    Era beginning/end

    The planar event that separated Raen'dor from the rest of the Material Plane, forcing it to overlap with the Feywild and the Shadowfell. While the cause of such an event has been one of history's greatest mysteries, it is now (with the Realignment) suspected that it was caused by an ancient conflict between the gods. This event is among the most cataclysmic in Raen'dor history, and the true chaos it wrought when it occurred is unknown.

    More reading
    The Ages of Raen'dor
  • Years 2-50 (Approx.)
    Ascension of the Fey Queens
    Political event

    The Queens of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts of the Feywild vie for control of Raen'dor, each claiming dominion over the realms. Raen'dor was now, to them, part of the Feywild-- and the most interesting part of it at that. By roughly Year 50, most if not all mortals live under the rule of the Fey Queens; noble families pledged to serve them, and common folk were often affected by their schemes. Archfey (in particular the Queens) held an almost god-like status during this time, often filling the void left behind by the gods themselves in the lives of mortals.

  • Year 24 (Approx.)
    The Dragons Defend Serediza
    Military: Battle

    Legends passed down among the people of Shanodin claim that when the Unseelie Fey showed interest in crossing the mountains into Serediza, the peoples of that realm asked three ancient dragons to help them repel the invaders. The dragons obliged; stories tell of the three setting aside their differences, fighting off the Fey and using their draconic magic to protect Serediza from incursion. Some versions of this story claim that these dragons were the first "Triad of Serediza", and each became patron of what would become the realm's three major cities; whether this is fully the truth remains unknown.   It is recorded that the city of Shanodin was founded around this time-- and that one of the three legendary dragons was the mother of the city's current dragon guardian.

  • Years 51-56 (Approx.)
    The First Fey War
    Military: War

    The first war to ravage the realms since The Great Planar Shift, and the first of several conflicts caused by the scheming of the Fey. While historical records show that various noble houses spearheaded and fought in this conflict, the true powers behind the war were the Summer and Winter Queens; through various means of manipulation, the two pulled the strings of those mortals in power in order to battle for control of Raen'dor. Based on historical accounts, the war was ended by the onset of the Everwinter.

  • Years 56-109 (Approx.)
    The Time of Everwinter
    Geological / environmental event

    A ritual of great and terrible power is completed by followers of the Unseelie Queen Mab, which plunges most of northern Raen'dor into perpetual winter (Serediza and Na'vida being the only regions unaffected). This "Everwinter" lasted for half a century according to historians, until some force lifted the enchantment-- starting with the Spring of Year 70, the snow began to melt away and the seasons returned to their natural cycle. While the ritual put an end to the previous war, it was also a time of terrible hardship and darkness that turned many mortals against Queen Mab.

  • Years 109-161 (Approx.)
    The Time of Melting Snow
    Cultural event

    The Everwinter brought hardship, but with that hardship came a easy excuse for peace; Raen'dor enjoyed roughly 50 years of such peace as the Fey Queens receded (mostly) into the background. Named the Time of Melting Snow to celebrate the end of the Everwinter, this was a time for the realms to grow and recover. Historical records show that various settlements and noble houses trace can trace their roots back to these decades; in particular, the cities of Nelenor, Embereth, Almaaz, and Remthyr were all founded during this time.

  • Year 121 (Approx.)
    Rise of Kannoth
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The peace in the Western Midlands was disrupted by the machinations of Kannoth, the Archfey progenitor of vampires; Kannoth had gathered a cult following among mortals and fey folk in the years before this conflict, preying on the weak and spreading his vampiric curse. The cult made a bid for power in the Year 121, revealing itself and attempting to establish a hold over the west. A group of heroes backed by the Seelie Court managed to stop the cult's rise and destroy Kannoth, sealing him away in a mountain tomb that still stands today.

  • Years 162-180 (Approx).
    The Second Fey War
    Military: War

    The constant scheming of the Fey Courts could not remain in the background forever; the Queens still coveted what was not theirs, and to some it was surprising that they did not start a conflict sooner. This war shattered the peace that Raen'dor had enjoyed for so long, proving to be far longer and bloodier than its predecessor-- several conflicts spanning this time collectively make up the Second Fey War.

  • Years 180-210 (Approx.)
    The Mortal-Fey War
    Military: War

    The Second Fey War did not give way to peace, but rather an ever larger conflict: a war between the mortal folk or Raen'dor and the Fey Courts. The nobles who met and brought an end to the Second Fey War agreed that they should not be doing the dirty work of the Fey Queens; they (rightfully) blamed Titania and Mab for the destruction and chaos that war wrought, and wanted to separate mortals from the bonds and whims of the Fey. This war, again, was less a single united effort and more a collection of conflicts defined by mortals fighting for their freedom from the Seelie and Unseelie. Those conflicts were messy, with each faction surrounded by multiple enemies and alliances falling apart quickly. The conflicts did not end decisively, and divided the realms; many mortal settlements were free of direct Fey control, but others remained (willingly or unwillingly) beholden to one Court or another. To say the war even ended is too simple, but by roughly the Year 210 the majority of battles gave way to an uneasy peace, with smaller conflicts and clashes persisting for decades after.

  • Years 210-294
    Fallout of the Mortal-Fey War
    Cultural event

    Outright war could not last, but the two sides struggled in other ways; mortal children were kidnapped at birth to be directly assimilated into the Fey Courts, True Fey were driven out of their ancestral homes by nearby mortals, and wedges were driven between members of noble houses based on whether or not an individual had accepted help from the Summer Court. While many such smaller events could be recorded from this era, the important thing to summarize with this event entry is that the years after this war-- up until the beginning of the next era-- were defined by lingering tensions between mortal and Fey.

  • Year 294: The Age of Bone Begins
    The Pact of Melting Snow
    Diplomatic action

    The course of Raen'dor's history was changed forever in the Year 294, when seven noble families met with both Queen Titania and Queen Mab to write the Pact of Melting Snow. Named after the historical peacetime that the realms had enjoyed after the First Fey War, the Pact essentially forbid the Queens (or any member of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts) from directly interfering in the lives of mortals who were not already beholden. While the Courts' tended to scheme and pull strings before, they were now bound by the Laws of Fey (which the Pact was woven in to by Titania and Mab) and unable to pull strings without the mortals involved knowing explicitly what they were getting into. In the centuries since the Pact, Fey of both Courts have realized that mortals can still be manipulated into willingly becoming involved with their schemes; even still, the Pact to this day holds true. With the Pact of Melting Snow begins a new era in Raen'dor's history-- with the course of that history now directly in the hands of its people.

    More reading
    The Ages of Raen'dor

The Age of Bone

295 987

  • Years 295-450 (Approx.)
    The Time of Two Kings
    Political event

    Following the Pact of Melting Snow, the noble families of Raen'dor began to settle in to a new era of peace-- one that they were able to determine the conditions of. As new settlements were developed and certain noble houses rose to prominence, two particular individuals emerged as leaders: King Varus Andarian of the West, and King Elyas Keltumel of the East. These two Kings united the surrounding lords and nobles, dividing the realms into two kingdoms. There were some minor conflicts over territory and resources over the decades between the two kingdoms, and what was recorded as a bitter rivalry between the two Kings. Still, the realms knew over a century of peace and progress during this era; this would also be the closest the realms would come to unification before the Age of Adventurers (and the coronation of Queen Imogen Duhem). Several major cities were established during this time, including the capitals of the two Kings-- Solaris in the west, Natoria in the east. The names of these two cities, and many others, have been lost to time, but the bridge and surround town of King's Crossing still stands to this day.

    King's Crossing
  • Year 450-455
    Rise of the Undying King
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Sometime around the Year 450, Saidro Vasvadan emerged from the Shadowfell in the northern islands (which now carry his name), establishing a base of operations in the Material Plane there and constructing his dread castle, Gor'fathal. It is believed that some number of acolytes or allies he had gathered within the Shadowfell travelled with him and spread themselves across the realms, gathering a small but fervent cult devoted to Vasvadan and his dark magics; historical records recount that Vasvadan built a sort of religion around himself, teaching his followers that he and his people were chosen to raise an army and usher Raen'dor into a new age. His power over death tempted some and terrified others, but both proved effective. By the year 455, Vasvadan was known among his followers as the Undying King-- and was prepared to introduce that name to the realms.

    More reading
    The Shadowfell
  • Years 455-459
    Vasvadan Invades the West
    Disaster / Destruction

    In the Year 455, the Undying King launched his first invasion of the mainland. An army of undead, led by prominent members of Vasvadan's cult, emerged from the seas and spread across the northwest. The Frostfens and the Ardenwood were far less densely populated in these times; those mortals and fey who lived there were slaughtered, and soon a threat like none had ever known was at the doorstep of Andarian's kingdom. This was the beginning of a four-year battle for the survival of Raen'dor's people. Even with the horrors that Vasvadan and his undead wrought upon the land, some noble houses fell under his sway; others fell to his might, defending their people to the last. It was a time of terror and destruction in the West, the likes of which those realms have not experienced since. The Undying King was eventually defeated and his armies destroyed, but the conflict left the Kingdom of the West on the brink of collapse.

  • Years 462-477
    The Kings' War
    Military: War

    As the people of the West rebuilt and recovered, the King in the East and his nobles began to plot: what better time than now to finally best their rival, and gain the plentiful resources of the Western realms? In 462, those plots can to fruition and war once again ravaged the realms. The bitter rivalry between the Andarian and Keltumel lines gave way to hatred, in some ways mirroring the conflict between the Fey Queens of old. The mortals of Raen'dor did not need Fey behind the curtain to cause bloodshed and ruin-- they brought it upon themselves.

  • Year 477
    Dissolution of the Two Kingdoms
    Political event

    The end of the Kings' War came in the wake of its final major battle, which took place in the Fields of the Fallen (somewhat close to where Vanshire now stands). There on the battlefield, not one but both kings were slain; one line was ended with the death of Aries Andarian (who had no siblings nor heir), while the death of Elyas Keltumel II left the city of Natoria to be ruled by his far younger sister. It seemed a stroke of fate that neither West nor East had an easy successor to the throne-- while there were some conflicts in the wake of this battle, the heads of the remaining noble houses held a summit and called for the two kingdoms to end with their kings. They agreed, returning to their own cities to rebuild and reorganize; thus the Time of Two Kings came to an end, and the realms of Raen'dor split apart (politically) once more.

  • Years 477-711
    The Realms Rebuild
    Cultural event

    While no period of Raen'dor's history is without conflict (monsters, Fey, and squabbling nobles have always seen to that), the fall of the two Kingdoms gave rise to many more recognizable locations and houses. Eiderloch was established in the Western Midlands as a new hub for trade, Myrefall rose as the survivors of the Frostfens banded together, and several villages were founded that would later become areas of great import (Veruda, Duhem's Stand, Vanshire, and the town of Nightcrest all trace their origins back to this span of time.

  • Years 711-729
    The Undying King Returns
    Disaster / Destruction

    The people of Raen'dor had assumed the danger of the Undying King had passed-- he had, after all, been destroyed over two centuries ago. While the King had been defeated, however, his phylactery had remained hidden; he had not been idle over the years, but rather had been rebuilding his undead legion and making new, grotesque magical discoveries. He began his invasion the east this time, marching his hordes through the Wintercourt Wastes and laying siege upon the Eastern Midlands and the surrounding realms. This conflict was more drawn out than the first, with every realm coming under threat and several of Raen'dor's major cities falling to the Undying King (Natoria being the prime example). The Undying King was far more successful at maintaining control over parts of the mainland during this time, erecting the Dreadfort Senekar in the Blacksmoke Mountains and beginning construction of a great necropolis in Redwood. His conquest was cut short by the combined efforts of the various noble houses (and with the aid of the Seelie Court) after over a decade of terror.

  • Years 729-963
    Houses Rise and Fall
    Cultural event

    This period of time could very well have also been titled "The Realms Rebuild" again; rebuild they did, though the shadow of the Undying King now hung over the people of the realms. The phylactery was not recovered despite the best efforts of the heroes of that time, and the cult that Vasvadan had garnered during his initial rise now lasted in some pockets even beyond his defeat. They prophesized his return, and the people in turn feared it. Still, they persevered, and time began to heal the wounds inflicted by the Undying King. This period is presently notable for the rise of many of today's High Houses to their first levels of prominence, and other houses with long historical legacies being displaced in turn (thus, title of this entry into Raen'dor's history). As the wheels of history turned, the Undying King again nursed his wounded pride-- and swore that next time, all of Raen'dor would be brought to heel.

  • Years 963-987
    The War of Blood and Bone
    Military: War

    The third and final invasion of the Undying King would be the longest and most gruesome, spanning over twenty years of Raen'dor's history. Vasvadan's following among the living would never be stronger than it was during this time, as many felt the only way to survive was to join the King's side; the remaining peoples of Raen'dor fought desperately for years, with countless battles won and lost across every single realm. With his initial invasion through the Blacksmoke Mountains, the Undying King was able to establish a seat of power on the mainland and dominate the majority of the Eastern Midlands for an entire decade. The War of Blood and Bone (as it was called during its time) was unquestionably the largest-scale conflict to occur in the history of Raen'dor. It affected each and every realm and then rippled into the Feywild, causing both Courts to become embroiled in the struggle against Vasvadan's forces. How the Undying King (who was already incredibly powerful during his initial rise) managed to wield such incredible necromantic powers for the amount of time that he did is largely a mystery, but no other mage in Raen'dor's history-- necromancer or otherwise-- has achieved such extended and immense feats of arcane ability as the lich did during this war.

  • 12th of Winter - Year 985
    The Formation of the Evenlights
    Gathering / Conference

    By the Year 985, the Undying King's reign of terror felt as though it would never end. Many folk in the Eastern Midlands lived directly under the tyranny of the King and his followers, while the rest of the realms spent their days in fear of what might come. Against this backdrop, the destinies of six individuals began to intertwine-- six heroes who would rise to save Raen'dor. Of course, the Evenlights (as they called themselves) did not begin as heroes; their story began as so many parties before them had, when they met in a tavern one particularly cold Winter night. The party agreed to travel together after their initial meeting, vowing to make a difference in the realms where they could.

  • 51st of Summer - Year 987
    The Fall of the Undying King
    Military: Battle

    There are songs, stories, and entire historical texts devoted to the adventures of the Evenlights and their clashes with the Undying King; there could be an entire timeline created just to document their adventures. However, it is the climax of the Evenlights' adventure that every single person in the realms remember: the fall of the Undying King. At this point, the heroes had hunted down and destroyed the Undying King's phylactery, rendering him truly vulnerable for the first time in centuries. On the 51st of Spring, the peoples of Raen'dor united for a final battle at Duhem's Stand against the full force of the Undying King's army-- and the Evenlights used that battle to distract the King's forces, sailing north to confront Vasvadan himself. In the depths of the dread castle Gor'fathal, this final clash would become the stuff of legends. The battle ended with the Evenlights victorious, but not without great cost: Castalia Nightcrest sacrificed her life in the battle's final moments to turn the tides and destroy Saidro Vasvadan once and for all. Her sacrifice would be forever remembered, and she would become the face of the countless lives lost in the struggle against the Undying King.

    Duhem's Stand
  • 25th of Summer - Year 987: The Age of Adventurers Begins
    Coronation of Queen Imogen Duhem
    Political event

    The War of Blood and Bone was one of the darkest times in Raen'dor's history, but by the end of it the peoples of the realms were united in strength and spirit. They had fought together, grieved together, persevered in the face of great evil together-- and now triumphed together, with the Evenlights to lead them. East and west, mortal and fey, peasant and noble; in the months following the great victory against the Undying King, every heart was filled with renewed hope for the future. And thus a new age was declared as Imogen Duhem, leader of the Evenlights, was crowned the First Queen of a united Raen'dor; her rule, and the rule of those that followed her, would shape the realms into the world that the people of Raen'dor recognize today.

    More reading
    The Ages of Raen'dor

The Age of Adventurers

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  • Year 988
    Dark Magic is Outlawed
    Diplomatic action

    One of the first acts of Queen Imogen Duhem and her High Council was to pass a new magical law, which banned the practice of dark magics throughout the realms. The law was drafted by Indigo Teasong and the scholars of the Glass Library, who presented it to the High Council within months after the Queen's coronation. While there was debate within communities of magic users regarding whether these spells were too dangerous or "evil" as the law suggested, the people of Raen'dor were quick to accept any law that seemed to reduce the threat of a new Undying King.

  • Year 989
    Founding of Adventurer's Guild & Nightcrest Academy

    Perhaps the most influential decision of Queen Imogen Duhem's reign was the founding of the Adventurer's Guild, and Nightcrest Academy soon after. The new Queen's vision was of an independent organization that would stand apart from any Noble House, devoted to protecting the people and working towards the betterment of all realms. The structure of the Guild was also influenced heavily by the Evenlights' own adventuring party, which had led Raen'dor to victory without a noble sponsor or army behind them. Thus the Adventurer's Guild was born, with Nightcrest Academy being established soon after. Just as Queen Duhem had relied on Indigo Teasong to guide the creation of new magical law, she called upon two of her fellow Evenlights to head this new organization: Gawain Cadwal was appointed the first Guildmaster of the Adventurer's Guild, while Theodas Wildemere became Nightcrest Academy's first Headmaster.

  • Years 990-1077
    A New Golden Age
    Cultural event

    The reign of Queen Duhem (and later of her successors) was a time of peace, prosperity, and hope. The Adventurer's Guild quickly proved a great success, and across the realms the long shadow of the Undying King was lifting. Trade and exploration flourished for the first time in decades, and new generations inspired by the Evenlights flocked to apply for Nightcrest Academy. Adventurers protected roads and towns, uncovered historical artifacts, and rose to met any threat that began to reveal itself. During these years Duhem's Stand, Veruda, and Kesgrave all grew to become the great cities they are known as today, while Eiderloch cemented itself as the primary political and cultural center of Raen'dor.

  • Year 1028
    Death of the Queen
    Political event

    In the Year 1028, the realms lost its first queen and greatest hero. Queen Imogen Duhem had battled illness for several years in the leadup to her death, but had kept this fact (like much of her personal life) out of the public view; and so, it came as a great shock when Duhem's death at the hands of her illness was announced. This news came with a question: who would sit upon her throne? She had never married and had no children (which most had assumed would change before her death) and her final wishes had simply been for Gawain Cadwal to "help find Raen'dor its next leader." Luckily the peace within the realms held, although there was a good deal of tension surrounding which House would be allowed to ascend to royalty; after some deliberation and squabbling, it was Harbren Eladel-- one of the wisest of Queen Duhem's advisors-- who became the Queen's successor (thanks primarily to the backing of Gawain Cadwal). House Eladel would be the Royal House from this point forward; always generally popular as they worked to keep the peace, but never as revered or universally loved as the late First Queen.

  • Years 1032-1045
    Tests of New Leadership
    Political event

    Just as the realms were forced to reckon with new leadership in the wake of Queen Duhem's death, Nightcrest Academy and the Adventurer's Guild would be tested by new leadership. Headmaster Theodas Wildemere passed away in the Year 1032, leaving Nightcrest in the hands of his then Deputy Headmaster: Patrius Claron, who was far from the noble hero that his predecessor had been. While he had a knack for growing Nightcrest's profile and bringing in new students, it became clear over the years that the new Headmaster cared more for status and gold than he did the education of his students. The Adventurer's Guild faced similar issues after Gawain Cadwal retired as Guildmaster; while it had many capable leaders to choose from within its ranks, not all of those individuals were as committed to working "in service of the realms." Vast amounts of gold were by this point passing through the Guild, and various Noble Houses were working to curry its favor. While both the Academy and the Guild were both forced to deal with these corrupt leaders, the original vision of the organizations held true-- pushback from adventurers and students led to Claron stepping down as Headmaster over accusations of corruption, which led the way for a similar course correction by the Adventurer's Guild. Nightcrest's third Headmaster, Berina Diabris, was lauded for ensuring Nightcrest Academy regained and maintained its integrity during the long tenure which she served.

  • Year 1068
    The Night Witch's Defeat
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Despite much of Raen'dor's major historical events affecting the Material Plane primarily, there is always one thing or another occupying the folk of the Feywild (and those who lived in places of overlap/crossings). While it is difficult to record much of the Feywild's history given (among other factors) its strange relationship to time, some adventurers of the age were drawn into Fey plots or called upon to thwart evil in the Feywild. One such notable example was the rise of Lysaga, the Night Witch-- a powerful hag who claimed to be the sister of the legendary Baba Yaga. Lysaga, with the help of some members of the Unseelie Court, attempted during the Year 1068 to complete a dark ritual that would have plunged the Feywild into shadow; this ritual was thwarted by a party of adventurers who were backed by the Seelie Court-- one of several documented events that put the Adventurer's Guild and the people of Raen'dor as a whole in Queen Titania's good graces).

    More reading
    The Feywild
  • 1st of Summer - Year 1077: The Age of Realignment Begins
    The Realignment
    Era beginning/end

    After over a thousand years, the planar event known as the Realignment undid the work of the Great Planar Shift and realigned Raen'dor with the rest of the Material Plane. In the process, the realms were separated from the Feywild and Shadowfell-- to cataclysmic results for those who found themselves travelling between those planes. The Realignment and its effects have been discussed at length by historians, and the cause of this event is still being understood (although much like the Great Planar Shift before it, the gods of the Material Plane seem to be at the heart of it). While a few finnicky historians have argued that this age should be lumped in as a continuation of the Age of Adventurers, but it is difficult for anyone to argue that the largest planar event since the beginning of Raen'dor's history should not mark the dawn of a new era.

    More reading
    The Realignment

The Age of Realignment

1078 and beyond

  • Year 1078
    First Contact with Eirion Nations
    Discovery, Exploration

    With Raen'dor returned to its place within the greater Material Plane, the western seas and other areas that once made up the "edge" of the realms now became areas of new opportunity and exploration. The people of Raen'dor were made aware of this wider change when a ship from the west arrived at port in Nightcrest; they claimed to have travelled from the city of Essefain, and were exploring what (to them) were uncharted seas. This first contact with the peoples of the Eirion Sea would become the impetus for explorers across Raen'dor to sail across the Eirion themselves-- beginning Raen'dor's re-integration into the Material world.

  • Years 1084-1085
    House Dalibor's Treason
    Political event

    In the final days of the Year 1084, King Damon Eladel was the target of a failed assassination attempt; items and information uncovered during the investigation of this attempt revealed that one of the King's advisors-- Lord Vice Dalibor, head of the noble House Dalibor-- was behind the attack. Dalibor claimed he was innocent, but the evidence was overwhelming; even the timing of the attack seemed to make sense, with other members of the King's court sharing that Dalibor had recently had a heated disagreement with the King during a semi-private meeting. In the first weeks of that Spring, Lord Dalibor was executed for treason and conspiracy against the crown. His wife and teenage son, Vice Dalibor II, were stripped of their holdings in Eiderloch and exiled from the city.

  • 12th of Spring - Year 1086
    Coronation of Queen Aemelia Eladel
    Political event

    The Year 1086 began with tragedy; King Damon Eladel, who had survived an assassination attempt only a year before, succumbed to a sudden illness caught during a particularly harsh winter. His successor was Aemelia Eladel (his only child), the current Queen of Raen'dor and the youngest ruler of the united realms thus far. Rumors that the King had been poisoned in another assassination attempt swirled around Eiderloch that season, but all medical examinations showed no trace of poison (or anything other than illness) to be the cause of death. Similar whispers have wondered whether or not Aemelia Eladel-- the only current living member of her house-- is in danger as well, but there has been no attempts made on her life since her ascension to the throne.

  • Year 1087
    [Adventure School] - Our Story Begins
    Gathering / Conference

    In the Year 1087, the 98th class of Nightcrest Academy students were chosen, and began their studies at the Academy. Four of those students-- each vastly different from one another in almost every way-- are at the center of a new chapter in Raen'dor's history. What will their impact on the realms be? Will they be remembered as heroes, or lost to time? Time will tell as the realms ajust to this new age of Realignment-- and our protagonists come into their own at Nightcrest Academy.

  • Summer, Year 1088
    Fantasia Leaves for Feywild
    Life, Relocation

    After a series of dangerous adventures over the summer, Fantasia Honeymeadow decides to leave Nightcrest Academy and instead venture into the Feywild with her father, Bramble, and Alistair Ambrose. The three hope to uncover the truth of the disappearances in the wake of the Realignment, and hopefully put a stop to the machinations of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts.   Mayhem Calathea replaces Fantasia in the Revelers upon the start of their second academic year at Nightcrest Academy.

    The Feywild
  • 37th of Autumn, Year 1088
    Fall of Nightcrest Academy
    Disaster / Destruction

    Unbeknownst to students and faculty, Headmaster Odym Idolin had been completing a hidden maze beneath Nightcrest Academy in search of a powerful artifact-- one that he found on this day, triggering a magical event that opened a huge Shadowfell crossing and shifted the entire school onto that plane. Several professors and students were lost in the Shadowfell during this event, with the rest of the 98th and 99th classes displaced and forced to relocate with guidance from the Adventurer's Guild. Idolin claimed that Castalia Nightcrest had been buried beneath the school within the maze, and that the artifact he now possesses-- an Eye, which replaced his own-- once belonged to her. According to Idolin, Nightcrest was herself a powerful necromancer and would have wanted this shift into the Shadowfell to occur. Before the school fully planeshifted, the Wild Hunt appeared above Nightcrest Academy and seemed to ride directly into the school-- hunting Idolin, perhaps, or one of the monsters that accompanied him during his ritual.

    The Shadowfell
  • 69th of Autumn, Year 1088
    The Party Falls to Graz'zt
    Disaster / Destruction

    After being robbed and tracing the criminal back to a remote compound in Serediza, the party encountered Graz'zt, the Demon Prince of Pleasures. Graz'zt easily defeated and charmed the party, showing mercy given that Oliver had released from Tasha's Demonomicon the year before. He did not kill them, but he brought them into his growing cult of revelry; River, Oliver, Lucretia, Mayhem, Clarissa and Rory were all lost to the charm of the Demon Prince-- lost to themselves, lost to their loved ones, and lost to time.

  • 50th of Spring, Year 1089
    The Fall of House Wildemere
    Military: Battle

    On the eve of a realm-wide holiday-- the Victory of the Evenlights-- House Vangrim used the undead forces gathered by Seraphina Onyx to launch a surprise attack on the city of Kesgrave. Using tunnels through the Underdark to move forces unnoticed and the mines of Kesgrave's Down-Town to access the city, Onyx's undead forces completely blindsided the city guards. Before Lord Ferdinand Wildemere could issue commands or even escape his home, he and his wife Diana were killed by a dracolich under Onyx's command. Their children escaped due to the efforts of the House's first knight, Nils Verrik; however, control of the city was seized by sunrise. This first act of war would plunge the Realms into war for the first time in a century, and is considered on of Kesgrave's darkest days since the reign of the Undying King himself.
