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The Undying King Returns

Disaster / Destruction

Years 711-729

The people of Raen'dor had assumed the danger of the Undying King had passed-- he had, after all, been destroyed over two centuries ago. While the King had been defeated, however, his phylactery had remained hidden; he had not been idle over the years, but rather had been rebuilding his undead legion and making new, grotesque magical discoveries. He began his invasion the east this time, marching his hordes through the Wintercourt Wastes and laying siege upon the Eastern Midlands and the surrounding realms. This conflict was more drawn out than the first, with every realm coming under threat and several of Raen'dor's major cities falling to the Undying King (Natoria being the prime example). The Undying King was far more successful at maintaining control over parts of the mainland during this time, erecting the Dreadfort Senekar in the Blacksmoke Mountains and beginning construction of a great necropolis in Redwood. His conquest was cut short by the combined efforts of the various noble houses (and with the aid of the Seelie Court) after over a decade of terror.

Related Location
The Dreadfort Senekar
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History of The Realms