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The Time of Two Kings

Political event

Years 295-450 (Approx.)

Following the Pact of Melting Snow, the noble families of Raen'dor began to settle in to a new era of peace-- one that they were able to determine the conditions of. As new settlements were developed and certain noble houses rose to prominence, two particular individuals emerged as leaders: King Varus Andarian of the West, and King Elyas Keltumel of the East. These two Kings united the surrounding lords and nobles, dividing the realms into two kingdoms. There were some minor conflicts over territory and resources over the decades between the two kingdoms, and what was recorded as a bitter rivalry between the two Kings. Still, the realms knew over a century of peace and progress during this era; this would also be the closest the realms would come to unification before the Age of Adventurers (and the coronation of Queen Imogen Duhem). Several major cities were established during this time, including the capitals of the two Kings-- Solaris in the west, Natoria in the east. The names of these two cities, and many others, have been lost to time, but the bridge and surround town of King's Crossing still stands to this day.

Related Location
King's Crossing
Related timelines & articles
History of The Realms