The Lands Below the Clouds Geographic Location in The Remnant | World Anvil
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The Lands Below the Clouds

The Lands Below the Sea of Clouds
The Lands Below the Clouds, or more commonly shortened to The Lands Below, are the remains of the world that was left behind when the Sea of Clouds was created to safeguard a portion of mortal life, and seal the influence of the titan Genesis on the surface. Much of the earth was torn up from the ground and lifted into the sky, leaving the Lands Below a collection of large islands. The ground in the Lands Below frequently shifts and moves, causing earthquakes, and frequently changing the geography of entire regions. Resources like food, clean water, and building materials are all in short supply, and people make due with whatever they can. Even light itself is scarce, as only a limited amount reaches through the Sea of Clouds to get to in the Lands Below. Many residents have either adapted to living in the darkness, or place great value on any light source they can find. Life must compete to survive, and where there are resources there is also conflict. Life in the Lands Below is hard, and it has made the people harder, using a variety of methods to survive the harsh environment. Some place their faith in Gods and other powerful beings to protect them, becoming zealous advocates for their chosen deities. Some seek forbidden knowledge learning techniques such as fleshwarping or necromancy as a way to gain the power needed. Some choose to take from others, feeling that there is no other way. Others still hold true to themselves, believing in their own power to endure. No one survives the Lands Below unscarred, but those with the will and the dedication can not only survive these harsh lands, but thrive in them.

The Remnants of Calamity

There are five great dangers in the Lands Below that stand out above all others. These dangers are known as the Remnants of Calamity, as they are the lasting effects of powerful weapons, developed to fight an ancient war.
The Beast of Calamity: There are three titanic creations developed as living weapons that roam the world sowing destruction wherever they go. They operate in a cycle, rampaging for months before hibernating before years at a time. They also have inspired several small cults who perform sacrifices with the goal of awakening them.
The Growths: Sentient parasitic forests that relentlessly expand, absorbing any and all wildlife that crosses their path into themselves. There are two areas that have already been completely overwhelmed by the Growths, and potential infestations have been spotted in areas around the world, though so far they have been quickly removed before they could take root and grow beyond control.
The Tear: The destructive power unleashed during the wars has broken a small tear in reality. This tear can appear anywhere at anytime, and wherever it does hideous abominations known as Qlippoth spill out and onto the material plane.
Elemental Overcharging: Different places around the world are occasionally hit with an influx of elemental energy. This can have a variety of effects from infusing the area with magical power, unleashing crazed elementals into a region, or in the worst cases simply causing widespread destruction as an area is completely overwhelmed.
The Curse of Genesis: The final calamity and the most dangerous. The Curse of Genesis is a malignant energy that radiates up from the land itself. Every living thing is slowly infected by it, and infused with its influence. This has caused the wildlife in the Lands Below to grow large and aggressive, but it is even worse when it afflicts sentient beings, as they fall prey to insanity, and slowly have their minds warped into being devout worshippers of the titan Genesis. The only protection from the curse is to spend time in warded cities that can block out most the influence, but even then it is still has a slight effect, and is considered the likely suspect for why so many living in the World Below find themselves gradually growing cruel and angry.

Life in the Lands Below
Though difficult, life has adapted to the conditions in the Lands Below. Traditional agriculture is uncommon, due to the unstable ground and limited light, but new methods have been found. Types of edible moss and fungi are grown instead of corn or wheat, and rather than livestock such as pigs or cattle, people have learned to raise creatures that can survive off of what people can't. Some common examples include large rodents and insects that reproduce quickly and can be fed things that most mortals couldn't eat. Hunting and fishing are options for those brave enough to risk the wilderness, the the nature of the world means that hunting is no simple task, as the wildlife that can survive in the Lands Below is deadly and aggressive. In exchange those who have the skill and bravery to bring back large catches are richly rewarded by their communities.

Sources of heat and light are also both important. Wood is a limited resource in the Lands Below, and much of it is reserved for construction rather than fire. Other flammable materials, such as oil and coal, or alternative methods of keeping warm, such as heavy furs, are quite valuable as a result. Some villages choose to built their homes near volcanic vents, though this can pose its own set of risks. For wealthier settlements, magic is the most common solution and most of the remaining cities rely on magic for lighting, heating, and many other services.

The Great Warded Cities are the last bastions of civilization in the Lands Below. There are a number of smaller, semi-nomadic villages with more mobile wards, but the Warded Cities are likely the only places of true safety in the Lands Below. Each city crafts a series of protective wards, usually engraved in metal or stone, which serve to keep the city safe from the many threats in the Lands Below. These wards consume large amounts of magic, so the cities often compete over magical artifacts, ancient technologies, and other sources of magic that can be used to fuel the wards and create new ones. The cities also compete to secure what little farmland is available, and access to good hunting grounds. Open war between cities are rare, as the drain on a cities resources and population is too much to make large standing armies viable. Instead cities usually employ uniquely powerful individuals, or fight small skirmishes, but even these are relatively rare as most cities would prefer to spend their time looking for uncontested resources, rather than risking a fight.


  • The Lands Below
    The Lands Below the Sea of Clouds, filled with danger and left in darkness.
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