The Northern Reach Geographic Location in The Remnant | World Anvil
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The Northern Reach

The Northern Reach is a series of islands in the northern parts of the Lands Below. These lands are inhabited by a fierce warrior culture, who believe it is their duty to do battle against the forces of Genesis. The people here are skilled sailors, and commonly sail to other parts of the Lands Below in order to raid for more resources. Much of the food comes from hunting the large beasts that roam the wilderness, as most of the land is ill-suited for growing crops, even by the already poor standards of the Lands Below. The primary pantheon worshipped in this region is the group of war gods known as the Lords of Steel, and their teachings have a strong influence on the people.

The region has nine major settlements, each protected by a large ward known as a Godsward. The Godswards allow the cities to exist by protecting a sizable area from the effects of the curse of Genesis. There are seven Godswards in total, each one dedicated to a different god in the Lords of Steel. Each Godsward is controlled by a different hold that is ruled by a Jarl, who is in charge of protecting the people under them and organizing raids. The Jarls meet once each year, to discuss trade and any issues that they may have.

The denizens of the Northern Reach are known as avid merchants, explorers, and raiders. This commonly occurs throughout the summer, where ships from the North will set sail throughout the Lands Below before returning in the fall in time for the harvest. These expeditions come in three different forms. Merchant ships travel to other nations to being back trade goods, especially good only found in warmer climates. Exploration ships venture into dangerous lands in search of treasures and adventure. Raiding ships seek out other settlements or ships, and use force to steal what they want from others. While most raiding parties tend to focus less on killing, and more on quickly grabbing goods and captives to ransom back to their homes, some notorious bands are known for their brutality and tendency to wipe out entire settlements. The most common targets of these raids are small coastal villages and ships travelling through the Lands Below, but some particularly daring crews have led expeditions all the way up to the Lands Above. Regardless of the type of expedition, most ships either return in the fall before the Northern Ports are frozen over and travel becomes difficult, or they seek warmer ports to spend their winters in.


The Northern Reach is a series of islands under the densest part of the Sea of Clouds. The limited sunlight makes this one of the coldest regions in the Lands Below, and much of the northernmost portions are covered by snow year round. The southern islands are a bit warmer.

The Northern Reach is divided into multiple different islands. The largest island is Jotunfros, where the majority of people in the Northern Reach live. There are two other large islands. Askenbjerg, a volcanic island home to many dwarves and giants, and Skalavaeg, a long, uninhabited island to the west. There are also two island chains in the Rimebound islands that lie in the north, and the Free Islands, which are in the south.


The denizens of the Northern Reach were left in dire straights after the Third Calamity. For several decades the people were left to fend for themselves, before the pantheon of gods known as the Lords of Steel took notice of their struggles and granted them the first of the Godswards. This allowed them to create the city of Skjoldenport, and create a refuge where they could be relatively safe from the influence of Genesis. With the first Godsward also came the knowledge for how to create more, though the process is long, taking roughly four hundred years for each new one to be made. The people also learned how to create lesser wards, which could reinforce their borders, and allow them to expand further. The people decided to dedicate their first city to the leader of the gods who saved them, and swore to found a city in each of their honors. Slowly over the millennia the people expanded to claim nearly all of the Northern Reach, founding nine holds, one for each of the nine gods of the Lords of Steel.

The Nine Holds of the Northern Reach faced a major crisis in the year 3645 of the Fourth Age. While the Jarls were deciding who to enthrone as the ninth Jarl and grant control of the recently finished Godsward too, one of the Jarls, a powerful giant known as Wridnir appeared, and using ancient runes was able to unite several different tribes of giants. Wridnir announced his goal was to rebuild the old empire of giants from before the Third Calamity. Wridnir's army was powerful, and had captured eight of the nine holds, stealing their Godswards and bringing them to Wridnir. Eventually a hero arose in the form of a warrior named Ulf Sondergaard, who challenged Wridnir and defeated him in single combat. Ulf was then lauded as a hero, and declared the ninth Jarl.


  • The Northern Reach

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