Seamstress' Guild

The Seamstress' Guild exisits to provide security to the practioners of the world's oldest profession. It has chapters in all of the major cities in Awsranka, and generally one or two representitives in any given village.

The Guild's charter states their mission as follows:

  1. membership is open to all who provide services of an intimate nature - physical and/or emotional - regardless of gender, race, or religion.
  2. To provide safety to members: safeharbor for physical, mental, and emotional health.
  3. To safeguard the health of its members and, by extension, their clients.
  4. To educate members in trade best practices and business administration.
Guild, Professional

The city council regards the Seamstress' Guild as legitimate.

The Seamstress' Guild supports several city council members financially. It also pays taxes on: net quarterly revenues.


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