
"Blade Dancers. That's what they were. Good ones, at that. They killed the giants. They aided the Empire in the war of Woven Aggression. They aided us all in the War of Existence. It's a damn shame they're gone." -Koten, Draconian Disciple of Luc'Nah, 2492 B.T

Basic Information


Ancients are bipedal humanoids. They have dense bones and muscles, granting them additional strength and endurance, though making them weigh more than most other species in the Rip.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ancients reproduce as most humanoids do. They gestate for around half a year before giving birth, holding the developing offspring within their body.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ancients grow slowly, reaching sexual maturity at around twenty years of age. At around 50 years of age, Ancients stop aging, as most humanoids within the Rip do, sustained by the Arcane Energy within them, and within their food.

Ecology and Habitats

Ancients primarily live in the Desert, though they may survive anywhere with enough food and water to sustain them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ancients eat anything they can, though they must eat meat at least once every three days. The meat of other creatures contains vital nutrients that Ancients need to survive.

Biological Cycle

Ancients grow stronger as they age, their Arcane Cores slowly become able to process more Arcane Energy without bursting. As it grows colder, Ancients pump more Arcane Energy through their bodies to stay warm.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Clans, all members of which aid each other.

Facial characteristics

Sharp features.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mostly found in the deserts to the West of the Draconic Empire.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ancients developed with close ties to the Arcane, which allowed them to use more potent Arcane Abilities. Ancients, being one of the child races, are more likely to be psychics, though this is still incredibly unlikely.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male firstnames traditionally end with "en" Female firstnames traditionally end with "oh". Clans all share the same last name.

Beauty Ideals

A beautiful person is one that does not hide the scars on their body, and has a garden, even in the desert.

Gender Ideals

No matter your sex, or your gender, you must be able to fight.

Courtship Ideals

They shall protect each other, and provide for each other.

Relationship Ideals

They must be able to fight back to back.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Origin Tongue The Low Tongue

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect those who are in your home. Respect those who invite you into their home. Don't step on the flowers. Always obey your parents.

Common Dress Code

Ancients wear loose fitting light clothes, so they don't over heat in the desert. All clothing is weaved with wards in it, to stop the errant blade, arrow, or claw, as well as spellwork. An ancient without their daggers is considered naked.
Genetic Descendants
120 years, though they cannot die by old age.
Conservation Status
Extinct as of 2431 B.T
Average Height
7-8 feet.
Average Weight
275-300 pounds.
Average Physique
Muscular, but with a slim, graceful build.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brown skin.


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