
The Draconians were once traders constrained to the coast. Pressure from the wolven kingdoms made them what they are, now. A massive Empire spanning most of the land mass of the continent, covering deserts, forests, and swamps.

Basic Information


Draconians are a humanoid species, with two arms, two legs, a torso, and a head. Draconians also have a type of swim bladder that is controlled by flow of Arcane Energy.

Genetics and Reproduction

Draconians reproduce quickly, gestating for only six months before giving birth. Draconians often carry twins, as opposed to single children.

Growth Rate & Stages

Draconians reach adulthood at anywhere from eighteen to twenty years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

Draconians are most optimized for coastal living, with the sea containing all nutrients that Draconains need. They are also natural swimmers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Draconians need an abundance of seafood, which contain a unique salt in the ocean.

Biological Cycle

Draconians stop aging near sixty years, and slowly begin to grow a protective layer of transparent scales, made from Arcane Crystals. These scales are extremely resistant to being pierced, to protect against the fangs of creatures in the ocean.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Draconains, when without the empire, are a matriarchal society.

Facial characteristics

Draconians have sharp features, and sharp teeth. Their eyes tend to be light colors, such as blue.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Draconians are distributed all along the continent.

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As with all creatures in the Rip, Draconians have a connection with the Arcane. Draconians also natural diplomats, finding the other races more inclined to deal with them, though this is more out of fear than anything else as of late.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

"Ta" traditionally ends female first names. "An, Th," or "On" traditionally ends male first names.

Major Organizations

The Draconic Empire, and the Draconic Legion.

Beauty Ideals

Draconians find beauty in a fire in someone's eyes, and in some forms of anger. Draconians also find sailors and sailing to be the great romantic pursuit.

Gender Ideals

All who can fight are expected to do so. Mothers are honored above other members of society.

Relationship Ideals

It is expected that each person will be devoted to the Empire, above their mate.

Average Technological Level

Draconians rapidly learned to exploit the Durnan in the mountains around them, and have developed the most efficient ways to mine and refine Durnan. Draconians also developed enough technology to discover foreign lands, and strange islands.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Draconians speak Draconian, and the Low Tongue.

Common Etiquette Rules

Draconians are expected to serve the Empire above all things, and follow any orders given to them by their higher ups.

Common Dress Code

Draconians have no official dress code, outside of the military, even among government officials.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Draconic Culture is one of serving the Empire, and ensuring the continued survival of the species. Draconians also take great pride in their tribe, and many can trace their heritage back to before the foundation of the Empire.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Draconians traditionally pray for the dead of their enemies, as well as their own. It is customary for guests at a social gathering to bring food for the entire gathering, and it is to be their best cooking. Hosts of a social gathering are to provide Dahven, a honey flavored alcohol made from the Dalet Grain. When there is a marriage between two tribes, one of the newlyweds joins their spouse's tribe. The two tribes do not become one.

Common Taboos

Romance within the tribe is highly frowned upon, which is one of the reasons that Draconic people trace back their tribes as far as possible. Putting out a fire before it has burned out, unless necessary, is considered offensive to the Divine. Wasting food is highly frowned upon.


Draconians originated from a group of Ancients that were exiled from their homelands, and mutated by the energies within the seas and the large amount of Arcane Energy in the coastal mountains.   Draconians originally lived in small tribes, led by matriarchs, fishing and subsisting on the Great Western Coast. Eventually, they were forced to band together under a single government because of pressure from wolven aggressors and the Demonic Menace.

Historical Figures

Emperor Hezrath Tarick Tyreath Nazen Shorta Tah'Na Tota Kembah

Common Myths and Legends

There are many myths and legends within Draconic society, most of them having to do with battles long forgotten.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Draconians believe that all other species are beneath them, except the Primals and Ancients, and that they are destined to rule the Rip in a single, united Empire. All will be welcome, but all opposition will be destroyed.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
100 years.
Average Height
6 feet.
Average Weight
200 pounds.
Average Physique
Draconians are slimmer than Ancients, and grow less hair on their bodies.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Draconians are dark skinned, though not as dark skinned as Ancients.


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