
Public anthropological record
Property of the Royal Atheneum of Hövnís, Eörpe

The aasoolonans are a furoot ethnicity found exclusively within the symbiont microcosm Aasoolon cultured by the prime dakuth Aasooloonusasuu.   Their total population is estimated at ~300 individuals, split between the two villages Kaasunna and Onnululaluu.   Aasoolonans enjoy simple and tranquil lives as farmers, orchard keepers, and fishers. By tradition they only live off of what Aasooloonusasuu provides them and will only use what they consider natural materials, such as wood and stone. Metal and metal objects in particular carries strong negative associations and are even targets for superstitious beliefs.  


Both the name of the people and the symbiont ecosystem they inhabit are derived from the name of the being hosting them, Aasooloonasasuu. The names are still classified as unofficial substitutes and should be avoided in formal communication.  



The first aasoolonans were the medusean dakuth and the furoot saved by Aasooloonusasuu during Glitterburst’s collapse, as well as the descendants of the latter. The furoot saw their third generation of rootkits born before the dormant Aasooloonusasuu was discovered by the inhabitants of Rosepetal.   In order to revive the prime dakuth it was necessary to remove most of the complex fauna, including the aasoolonans, so the symbiont ecosystem could recover to a state where it again could support its host.  


Decades later, after Aasooloonusasuu had fully recovered and settled on Papacalla, the last generation of furoot aasoolonans made a collective pilgrimage to see their deity-savior again. They were offered to return to their homes in aasoolona; an invitation that was readily accepted and they’ve lived there ever since.

Anthropologic Data

One Aasoolonan
Many Aasoolonans
Aasooloonusasuu's refugees
Member Species
Dakuth (historically)
Spoken Languages
Seeaasiaasiaa (dialect)
Religious Beliefs
Worship of Aasooloonusasuu
Ancestral worship

Societal Data

Aasoolon (Papacalla)
Known Colony Worlds

Cover image: by Nimin N.


Author's Notes

Temporary cover. The artwork planned for this article is still being worked on, but I had to take a break to rest my hands so I decided to just finish writing in the meantime. <3

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Jul 8, 2024 22:03 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I am having fun reading all these words out loud. Such an interesting ethnicity. I love that they are superstitious of metals.

Jul 16, 2024 18:48 by Nimin N

Hehe, glad to hear it. It's soooo difficult to resist the urge to dive into another conlang-mire and stick to thematic naming for the time being. :D   I plan to extrapolate on their superstitions/beliefs in a separate article. :) Base idea was that back on their homeworld, some furoot groups opposed development of post-neolithic tech because the soil and stone is far less generous than wood, water and air, and could get angry if their materials were stolen and used.

Jul 29, 2024 17:56

Another fascinating creation. I'm quite curious about the biology- is that one eye per side or just the one? The petals protecting the head...suggests some harsh environmental conditions. So many questions!

Aug 12, 2024 14:45 by Nimin N

Glad you like it. :) They have one eye per side that lack both eyelids and tear canals. Instead they clean and moisten the eyes with their quasi-tongue tendrils, and use the petals as substitutes for eyelids when needed.   The petals can be moved individually, but are usually all lifted to enclose the head when they sleep. The idea was that the petals' colors and pattern group (latter not shown on the painting yet) are hereditary, but the exact pattern and color combo is a unique identifier.