Aasooloonusasuu Character in The Rosepetal | World Anvil

Aasooloonusasuu (Nonlit. 'Worldwalker')

Public socioanthropological record
Property of the Royal Atheneum of Hövnís, Eörpe

One of the most astounding sights one might be lucky to catch on Papacalla is that of the colossus Aasooloonusasuu striding across the oceans between its many archipelagos and atolls.  

Recent Events

The Papacallan Board of Geopolitical Concerns recently announced that Aasooloonusasuu will be placed under the high preservation clause of their eco-protection law, which makes its regulations apply equally in all regions of the planet – including international waters.   As these laws prohibit disturbing the species covered by it, it meant that scientific study of Aasooloonusasuu had to be suspended indefinitely. All attempts at unsolicited interactions with Aasooloonusasuu will be prosecuted, with a one-week grace period given out to officially sanctioned studies that were already ongoing at the time the decision went through.   The legislation was put into effect after Aasooloonusasuu’s own request for privacy, as mediated by the furoot oracle Uloomonna.  


The lack of a proper means of communicating directly with Aasooloonusasuu, and perhaps a reticence to share, means that not much is known about their life as it were before the collapse of their home galaxy.   Aasooloonusasuu was one of the prime dakuth that were discovered floating along the edge of Glitterburst. Most were either in a deep comatose state or dead from the starvation that followed sacrifice of their symbiont ecosystems as life-rafts, and had likely been drifting through space for more than a century before being discovered by Rosepetal astronomers and rescued. They ended up saving thousands of medusean dakuth and furoot from certain annihilation, but Aasooloonusasuu was the only one that was successfully revived.   After their near-full recovery, Aasooloonusasuu was offered sanctuary on several worlds and chose to settle on Papacalla. In the years since they’ve been peacefully wandering its oceans and only actively interacted with furoot immigrants. They even welcomed descendants of their original wards back into its symbiont ecosystem, who have lived there as simple agrarians and fishers since.

Identity Data

Date of Birth
"Long before life arose on Furat."
Dakuth (Prime)

Citizen Data

Current Residence
Rin Sovereignty Citizen
None known
Known Languages
Modern Ikaric
While Aasooloonusasuu doesn't speak — at least in a manner we've been able to understand — they're extraordinarily quick to learn. They're already well versed in most Papacallan languages and dialects.
— Notation by Dr. Tybulus Svilen

Physical Characteristics

Aasooloonusasuu differ a lot from the rest of the dakuth inhabiting Rosepetal, suggesting they’re at a growth stage that has yet to be reached by other living individuals of their species.   The most obvious difference is their colossal size, with a measured height of 5336 meters from the tip of their toes to the crown of their head.  

The Symbiont Ecosystem

The space for their symbiont ecosystem makes out most of their mass and the interior landscape measures ~1200m2. It features deciduous forests, open grasslands, as well as two rivers and a lake. It also hosts a limited biodiversity consisting of smaller insects, herbivores, reptiles, amphibians, avians, and fish.   The Aasoolonans have two villages built near the lake, with a combined population of ca. 300 individuals.  

Physical State & Health

While Aasooloonusasuu is in good health, they appear have become permanently landbound as they can no longer withstand prolonged periods of low-pressure, low-oxygenized environments. It’s also been observed that they rely less on their symbiont ecosystem to sustain themselves than would be expected, and actively live off of plankton, fish and crustaceans in the surrounding oceans.  

Mental Characteristics

Aasooloonusasuu is both aloof and altruistic, content with being largely left alone as they wander the oceans. They appear to still be concerned with the well-being of the furoot, regularly passing by their known settlements and on occasion also stopping to interact with them.   Interactions with other species were primarily through various scientific studies carried out about them, including attempts at developing a reliable means of communicating with them, prior to being placed under eco-protection law. But they’ve also carried out numerous benevolent acts, such as rescue ships in distress or conveniently take a rest by a coastal settlement just before a tidal wave is about to hit.  


Prime dakuth were worshipped as deities by several furoot cultures long before the collapse of Glitterburst and appear to have in some capacity contributed to their development from pre-technological primitivism to neo-industrial civilizations.   Aasooloonusasuu specifically is named the ‘Worldwalker' in seeaasiaasiaa, and is ascribed domains such as ‘dawn’, ‘nurture’, ‘morning dew’, and ‘temperance’. It’s common for offworld furoot to pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime to Papacalla to see their last living deity.   Even among Papacalla's native population, Aasooloonusasuu has accrued widespread recognition that ranges from grateful respect to worship.

Cover image: by Nimin N.


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Jul 4, 2024 20:21 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love them so much, and I love that their request for privacy was respected. My heeeeart.

Jul 6, 2024 22:53 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the details about the physiological changes they underwent in their new enviornment, as well as the symbiotic enviornment that lives on them!