
Public sentientologic record
Property of the Royal Atheneum of Hövnís, Eörpe

Disputed Unknown Passive Extrinsid Semiota Ethera
Tooth-As-Eye is a phenomena of unverified origin and nature. It's attributed as the agent of the parasomnal nightmare disorder Hungry-Eye that rapidly spread among the population of several galactic states between XX and XY. The condition appears to be spread through exposure to it's imagery - whether orally/textually described or visually depicted - plus an additional conditional that is not yet known.  

Etymology & Definition

The name 'Tooth-As-Eye' was coined by T. Oroguster during their research on the origin of the hungry-eye that caused a widespread pandemic in XX. Though they have neither verified nor denied it, the name is possibly a direct transliteration of waomsuqes 'Tofasiye' - the name of a vulgoan mythical beast.  


Tooth-As-Eye is uniformely described as an entity consisting of a very specific feature: a large eye surrounded by teeth instead of eyelashes. It's commonly but not always also described as having a shadowy body.   The exact appearance of the eye and teeth can vary and is possibly unique to each individual or a limited group of individuals — and is possibly contextual to what is considered either normal or abnormal for the viewers species and culture. This can pertain size, shape, and color of the iris and pupil, color of the sclera, as well as shape, color, number and and arrangement of the teeth. In some rare descriptions the sclera is missing and the eye's backdrop is instead a mouth cavity, with or without additional teeth.   Of the patients suffering Hungry-Eye Disorder, the majority of the eörpans attributed it a rounded pupil and red or yellow sclera, while the majority of the akreians attributed it an eloganted pupil and a violet or blue iris. Citizens of the planet Talmuria, regardless of species, predominantly attributed it an amber-colored iris and the sclera replaced with a mouth.  

The Tooth-As-Eye Phenomena

Both during and after the pandemic, there were reports of individuals suffering symptoms of the hungry-eye nightmare disorder that had never been exposed to the stories or deriative works thought to cause it. Nor did most have anything connecting them to each other outside of the shared features in the recurring nightmares and/or hallucinations they suffered from.   These cases inspired T. Oroguster to dedicate the remainder of his career to researching what they called the 'Tooth-As-Eye phenomena'. According to them, the phenomena was not only more widespread than first believed but also much older, even drawing correlations to various ancient myths.   They formulated several hypotheses surrounding its origin and nature, though they're still regarded as protoscience at best and pseudoscience at worst. Most of their backing research is based on anecdotal evidence, and there's currently no tests that can properly falsify their claims.

Cover image: Seempola's Eye by Nimin N.


Author's Notes

Spooktober 2024 Prompt: Teeth.

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Sep 30, 2024 19:43 by Aster Blackwell

Love the art. Such a fascinating article, and very spooky as well!

Sep 30, 2024 20:53

Always love a good spooky mystery! Great job ^w^

At the end of everything, hold onto anything.