Forest Guard

Out of all the Border Guard Forces in the kingdom, the Forest Guard has to deal with things in the Great Forest that would make normal men flee in terror. - Banor Pescon


The Forest Guard is divided into three groups, the Banors, Brush Watchers and the Ardanian Rangers. The Banors that live along the Great Forest ensure that the any threat try to get farther inland are stopped. While the Brush Watchers are an irregular force composed of volunteers composed of average citizens that live near the forest and act as a militia to be used as a reactionary force when danger is near. The Rangers however are sent into the forest to ensure these threats are neutralized before they get out of hand.


We are the ones that guard the lands that border untamed wilds. We are the ones that ensure no danger comes near. Our courage is steadfast against the mightiest of foes that we dare face. Our will is that of oak that will never stray from our path. All who dare to bring harm shall face our might, no matter how great they may be. For we defend this kingdom against all things that are unknown to it so that it may never. Never shall our watch falter, for our gaze is everlasting. We forever watch the forest so that no one else has to with fear. - Forest Guard Oath
  The Forest Guard was created for one purpose: to protect the Kingdom of Ardania from threats dwelling in the Great Forest. These can often range from wild animals to more dangerous and older things that dwell within the forest. Of course, the main concern is keeping the peace, and the guard is willing to compromise with those who live in it to ensure it.  

Being a Member

  Well, it looks like you have chosen to live on the wild side of things. By being a part of the guard, you are defending the kingdom as it borders on the oldest and most dangerous regions in the Western Lands. This means that there is no sign of civilization in sight where you are going. Most people who join the guard have often lived near the wilds all their lives or are just outcasts of society. Though some volunteered to become militiamen to defend their homes from danger, even though they are not as well trained, their determination is something to admire. The rest are often a part of the Banors rule the lands and ensure peace and security in the region so some ever come to pass. They are highly trained in warfare and can hold their own when the going gets tough.   But one thing is for sure: no one is ever the same when they go into the forest as there are things in there that most people thought were stories to scare children into behaving. Your duty is to keep it that way so no one has to deal with it and remain ignorant while the real dangers lurk in who knows what forgotten place. As time goes on, you will see that you are not alone in facing them, for those within the guard are your family now, and the bonds you make with them will help you keep from feeling isolated from the world. Making yourself feel more at home while facing whatever might come your way. These bonds keep the Guard together in the darkest of times, and with them, they chase back whatever they face to the darkness where it came and restore peace to both worlds.  

What People Think of You

  Most people consider the Forest Guard nothing more than a group of outcasts and wild men living in the wilderness. This mostly goes with the militias and Rangers that comprise the guard as they have isolated themselves from everyday life. Creating rumors to spread about them, such as magic, had been causing them long-term trouble. Most people have forgotten the things that live in the Great Forest and shrugged them off as nothing but stories. They are idiots when real danger is around just to prove some point about no threat. The Banors are the only ones who have kept the people in line to ensure that the duties of the guard are not hindered by any means. But this opinion amongst those across the kingdom is quite large as people tend to forget very quickly about the services they gave to the people in dark times.

Public Agenda

To ensure the safety of the kingdom's borders along the Great Forest from all threats within it.


The Forest Guard has five castles and several outposts near the border in and out of the Great Forest. The castles are Fort High Tower, Greenwatch Keep, Greyhold, Helmen Castle, and Oaken Tower. Due to their importance, they are highly equipped with weapons and armor and funded regularly.


Reorganization of the Old Guard

  Though the Forest Guard was the first of the Border Guard forces to be created by the Kingdom of Ardania, it was not the original one to be made it as the first one was created by the many kingdoms of Ardania when the land was divided known as the Forest Wardens. But once the land was unified, they were reformed into the Forest Guard and reformed to suit the needs of current times. This would be the first of the border guards as they became a more sophisticated force to deal with the threats they lay in the forest. Allowing them to properly be brought into the kingdom's fold and maintain their position in a more critical role than ever before as the land was no longer divided. Allowing for more resources to be given to them and better training for its forces to deal with regional threats.   To ensure that the lands near the Green Edge were adequately protected, the Banors would be held responsible for arming and maintaining their forces to make up part the guard’s ranks and continually patrol the region to protect them from any dangers the left the forest. This also resulted in creating the Rangers divisions and their five forts, Fort Hightower, Greyhold, Oaken Tower, Greenwatch Keep, Helmen Castle along the border to be used as a recon and strike force to deal with threats before they got out of hand. Later on, it was necessary to attain more troops in case of emergency, so they founded a militia known as Brushwatchers to aid in the guard when gaps in their defenses needed to be filled by anyone capable of dealing with the dangers they faced.  

Elusive Fighters

  Unlike most fighting forces in the kingdom, the Forest Guard prefers to use guerrilla tactics rather than all-out confrontation. This is mainly due to the dense forest terrain and the fact that some groups and creatures live in the Great Forest knowing the terrain better than they do. The Rangers in their ranks are considered the best at this form of tactics. They are often the only ones that ever go deep into the forest, so they know where to pick their battles, often with great success to an extent that seems unnatural to some, spreading rumors of magic and unholy forces that give them such skill. The troops of the Banors of the region are also trained in these tactics but remain more of a traditional fighting force that deals in open confrontation, making them more of a force to deal with more significant threats to go into open battle with rather than just harassing them and using skirmishing tactics to deal with them. However, some tactics were used more aggressively and lethally to overwhelm the enemy before they could even react to what was happening.   Many have considered the possibility that permanent outposts or bases would be more beneficial for keeping an eye on the situation within the forest, but this is usually dismissed as its inhabitants do not take kindly to outsiders setting up residency in their lands. Instead, during particular assignments, those who venture into the forest will remain in it for days or even weeks, remaining undetected for much of the time, and they observe and neutralize threats they come across. Resting in hidden outposts and living off secret supply cases they only know about. They live off the land when they need to until they can achieve their goals successfully or partially. This can take a toll on a person should they stay in it for too long as it is a place that only follows the laws of survival above all, with no exceptions. Yet this is all the more reason for them to have their senses honed and their skills sharpened to give them the edge to lurk in the shadows, delivering a killing blow and vanishing back into them when they are done.    

Keepers of the Wild

  While most of the kingdom considered the Great Forest as a place that is wild and holds many dangers, the Forest Guard does not see it that way. Though the forest may seem dangerous and unfriendly, it leads to a completely different world that few can see. Here, people like the Druids and the Forest Tribes of Ve’tal can be found that they work with to maintain peace. Knowledge and wisdom can be shared amongst people to help them understand each other better. It also balances the kingdom and the forest rather than just siding with the kingdom. The forest will never be truly tamed, and its many secrets will never be revealed. It is always better to make friends than enemies when very few can be found in these lands.   However, this can sometimes be troublesome as some elements they have no control over. Such as the Beastmen that live here, who often have no regard for the laws and treaties or men doing as they please. While most tend to keep to themselves, there have always been a few that stir up trouble now and then. Wild and otherworldly creatures that live here, needing to be kept in check when they decide to get out of line. While animals seem much more accessible to kill, those of the Great Forest are of far more ancient breeds that are rarely seen and are not afraid to attack anything that they see as a threat or to eat. Of course, not all are animals, either being things in between, often magical, or outlaws that don't like being disturbed or bossed around. Then there are the Spirits, being a completely different story, most that inhabit the forest tend to ignore the living world around them, though their more twisted counterparts, the Dark Spirits cause harm whenever they can. Resulting in a complex situation that the guard has to deal with constantly when something happens to ensure that it doesn't spread into the kingdom.  

Explorers of the Unknown

  The Forest Guard is considered one of the only groups in the Western Lands that goes into the Great Forest regularly. Rangers venture into it to explore the places that few dare travel to. In doing so, they know more than most about what lies in the forest than anyone else. From ruins dating back to the Elven Empire to the ancient shrines of old gods, these places are all known to them and keep it to themselves as some would try to take advantage of these findings for their gain. But this does not mean they do not explore these places themselves and better understand what the old world was like so they can preserve it so nothing would be forgotten.   Yet, in the thousand years that have passed since the founding of the Forest Guard, only a fraction of the Forest has ever been explored due to its vastness and the dangers in trying to explore it. While there are a brave few that attempt to discover new places to better map out the region, they often comeback with nothing or not at all, especially if they go into the Forgotten Forest. Yet there are times that something new is discovered, usually by someone who knows what they are doing or by dumb luck. Though it is sometimes better that remain unknown as it can lead to awaken old and cursed things that have no place in the world that seek to reclaim what was lost as conflicts such as those are all too common. It all the more reason that the guard has become cautious with explore the forest as delving into its dark places cause dark things to follow.


The Forest Guard was wiped out after the War of the Raptors by the Vatian Empire. They were seen as a serious threat as they dealt severe damage to the Imperial Legions during the war.

Forever Watching the Unknown

831 BCA - 1528 CA

Military, Army Division
Alternative Names
Woodmen, Wardens of the Forest
Successor Organization
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Items
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

The Brave and the Crafty

by Jester%
Sometimes the best way to defeat a foe is to deal with them when they are not looking for you - Landon Lumbren
  Nothing appears as it seems when it comes to the Forest Guard; they have to use what they have when they have it. Resources can often be scarce in the forest, and danger is all around. This is why they are smart about survival in such a dangerous place. This is why they build traps and supply caches to be used later to better their chances of survival out in the wilderness. Of course, there are some other ways they have built outposts within the forests without anyone ever noticing them, such as creating them in trees or ruins so that no one ever goes to observe a situation better. They even developed a language known as Wild Call for communication without being discovered.  

Against the Hordes

by Jester%
Out there, we are walking into unknown territory with unknown enemies who have yet to be discovered by us. It is best that we prepare for them to ensure that we deal with them when they decide to show their ugly heads. - Galas Curts
  Many things live in the Great Forest that they must face alone as no help will arrive on time in a crisis. Though their numbers are few, they persist in fighting them off and have successfully done so many times, but at a high price, they are often involved. This has given them great renown for serving the kingdom many times, allowing them to receive better funding for future endeavors. This has created a defensive network known as Emerald Line, a series of defensive positions that will enable them to be flexible and adaptable to a situation without being overwhelmed by a more significant force. This has allowed the Forest Guard to halt the advance of many threats without giving up any ground.  

An Open Hand

by Jester%
The greatest feat we can achieve here is to turn our enemies into friends, not the other way around - Carne
  Rather than making enemies with everyone in the forest, the Forest Guard has created diplomatic channels between them and different groups. This has allowed them to develop trade and peace between both groups and has been their policy for centuries. After a while, these agreements fall apart and must be reinstated to return to the fold. This has been used with almost all groups in the forest, except for the Beastmen, as they wish for no communication with them at all and have been met with hostilities.

Cover image: by Jester%


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