
A devil comes in many shapes to claim it victims

In the day, all men are seen as what they are, but their secrets are laid bare by the night of the full moon. - Old Proverb
  Those cursed to become beasts of the full moon kill to satisfy their blood lust, unaware of what is happening to them. The werewolf can be traced back thousands of years to the time of the Elves. Starting with the creature known as The Beast, a massive wolf-like creature that caused pain and misery wherever it went. It has been said to be created by Forsaken god Vulga'dume to bring about a reign of terror in the coming nights. Its bite alone was the cause of the curse that werewolves that walk the earth to this day known as Lycanthropy. Even after the Beast is defeated by the goddess Lera, the werewolves still carry his curse. They were soon all hunted down, with very few left.

Basic Information


Werewolves can be bipedal or be on all fours. They look entirely humanoid, except all the features are that of an enormous wolf of great strength and resounding speed.

Biological Traits

Cursed Bloodline: One of the many creatures created by curses from various dark forces that cause nothing more than torment and suffering that strip away at their minds until they become the monsters they despise.   Unnatural resistance: Werewolves can withstand most mortal wounds and are capable of healing faster with their curse, but it does not mean they are invincible. They are weak to silver, and fire by decapitating the head from the body will kill them. Wolfsbane is also said to have a toxic effect on them as well.   Animalistic Savagery: While in their wolf form, werewolves attain all of the traits of a wolf, along with enhanced agility and strength. The downside of this is that the beast overpowers the awareness and thought process of their host, leaving them nothing more than a wild animal that attacks anything near them, even family and friends, without a moment of hesitation unless a strong bond exists between them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Due to the curse of lycanthropy, a single bite from a Werewolf can transfer to another person as a means of creating more of their kind; however, Werewolves can reproduce in their beast form, leading to deadly consequences since the beast is completely controlled and will force itself on a potential mate, which can lead to the half-breed species known as a Wolver to be created.

Growth Rate & Stages

by Jester%
When the full moon is near, a werewolf transforms for a few minutes. But the transformation is painful, and the host will suffer from memory loss as the beast takes over with nothing more than pure instinct in control.

Ecology and Habitats

by Jester%
Werewolves can be discovered anywhere in the world through their cursed Bloodline. The cursed victim always turns around the coming of the full moon, only to return to the original form once the sun rises and the moon sets. The transformations continue with every lunar cycle as long as the host lives. Due to their enhanced physiology, werewolves can quickly adapt to most environments.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are carnivorous by nature and will hunt anything that crosses their path. They hunt alone or in packs with other werewolves. Nothing seems to phase them when hunting, as they will attack anything, no matter how dangerous.

Biological Cycle

The werewolf only transforms near the full moon for most of the night. The beast will not come out until that time again unless magic or any other foreign element is in play, such as the The Long Night, which is an infamous time for most supernatural creatures. The curse also slows the aging process and extends the host's lifespan. The curse also adapts to its environment, such as thicker fur in winter conditions or less fur in humid conditions.


Werewolves are naturally highly aggressive and will attack anything on sight, whether hungry or not. Often mutilating the bodies and leaving them where they are killed.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Werewolves in numbers would follow the social structure of a wolf pack. Like all wolves, an Alpha leads them, followed by betas and omegas. They work as a group to hunt prey, often with high intelligence.


For centuries, werewolves have been known to be used by Vampires as attack dogs to increase their power by dominating through sheer force and drugs. When not transformed in their original forms, they would be used as guards to protect them while asleep in their tombs during the day. They would often obey them unless they saw them as weak and broke free from control to kill them.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Werewolves can be anywhere in the world, as the curse of lycanthropy has no bounds to hold them down.

Average Intelligence

The beast takes over the host, but they retain higher intelligence than most other animals, making them dangerous.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sight: Excellent   Sound: Excellent   Smell: Excellent
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Class: Supernatural
Depends on race
Conservation Status
Very few are left in the world as they have been hunted to near extinction. Hosts of the curse often live in isolated areas or blend in settlements to avoid detection.
Average Height
7 - 9 feet
Average Weight
500 - 700 pounds
Average Length
7 - 9 feet
Average Physique
Werewolves are highly muscular due to their transformation.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brown, grey, black, and white furs


by Jester%
Most know that when the wolf appears, it is to stay out of sight, then when the man returns, it is the time to strike at its weakest. - Wary Old Man
  Due to their destructive and elusive nature, werewolves are history's most recorded and documented supernatural beasts. Many want to know the telltale signs of one infected with Lycanthropy, making them more familiar to those who hunt them and helping people better understand them and their nature.  

Feral Rivalries

by Jester%
      Like wolves, werewolves are incredibly territorial when facing all predators, including their kind. They often fight over their hunting grounds, especially when game is scarce. These fights are highly lethal at times, as their desire for survival is far greater than self-preservation, as neither one wishes to share.  

Deadly Hunters

by Jester%
One beast is a problem; a pack of them is hell. - Grizzled Veteran
  Werewolves are infamous pack hunters because they can successfully coordinate with one another. Their heightened intelligence and humanoid bodies make them more capable of hunting than most other species.  

Hunt Or Be Hunted

by Jester%
Even the most skilled of us always have troubles with the wolves of the moon; it's all the more reason to take them with us should it come to it. - Night Hunter
  Werewolves are considered a significant threat anywhere they go, and many hunts have been declared on them to be rid of them. But hunting these beasts is not simple, as many have perished by their claws and fangs. But they ended up dead sooner or later, and monster hunters such as the Black Order have ensured this.

Cover image: by Jester%


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