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Arashi Class Heavy Frigate

Since its commishion in 1099 the Defence Class Heavy Frigate has acted as the poster child of the Imperial Elysian Navy, however in 1166 after 67 years the deign was begining to show its age with improvements to warpdrive, weapons, and the new classes being created by the empire's enemies the green light was given to create a replacement for the Defence Class. After 16 years in 1182 the IES Arashi was luanched for trials. After 2 years of extensive tests and a 3 month refit the Arashi Class was formaly commishioned into the navy and the IES Arashi was sent on its shakedown cruise. The Arashi Class heavy frigate has been designed to have the armor and fire power to hold its own in the center of the major battles fought by the biggest ships whilst remaining capable of keeping pace with the smaller raiding and flanking groups. Thus the Arashi Class is expected to be a common apperance in most Elyisan battlegroups just like its predicessor.

Ships Of Class

IES Arashi, IES Huricaine, IES Valiant, IES Tornado, IES Defiance.

Power Generation

2 Main reactors and 4 subreactors


3 MK 14 medium thrust engines and 1 MK 6 Hoang Warpdrive

Weapons & Armament

8 Partical Beam turrets, 8 dualmount 360 mm Coilguns, 4 dualmount 240 mm coilguns, 8 dualmount 100 mm coilguns, 2 42 VLS missile launchers, 2 PD railguns, 4 flak cannons, 4 CWIS, and 8 flare luanchers.

Additional & auxiliary systems

2 Large raidiators, 2 meadium raidiators, 4 small/combat radiators.

Hangars & docked vessels

Standard: 4 Roamer Class Auxileries: 2 transport variant, 1 PD variant, 1 sensor variant
Battle: 4 Roamer Class Auxileries: 3 PD variant, 1 sensor variant
Creation Date
Class Commissioned 1185 AE
Owning Organization
5 Commissioned, 17 Under Construction, 50 Planned
Related Technologies
68 m
240 m
32 m
Complement / Crew
250 Officers and Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
1.5 years worth of supplies. 50 Elysian Marines


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