BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Warpdrive has become one of if not the greatest scientific achivment in humanity's history. By finding and then weakening already present "weak points" within the natural fabric of the universe allowing an object to effectively skip from one point to another nearly instantly. This discovery finally provided Humanity a way to break the "light barrier" and truly travel the galaxy.


Though Warpdrive has given unparalleled opportunity to Humanity there remains some complications in the use of Warpdrives. The most obvious issue for any observer of the Warpdrive is the intense heat generated by its use. This is due to both weaken the fabric of the galaxy enough to enter the weakpoint, but also created a strong enough static and magnetic field to hold the ship together for the short period it is beyond our realm of understanding. Thus any ship emerging at a warp point will find itself on the higher, near critical levels for the first ships, of its heat sustainability. This means that ships coming out of a warp point will, after having burned away from the warp point, may need to take up to 5 minutes to burn off the majority of the heat.
Though there is no issue with multiple ships entering a warp point at the same time due to the way that ships using warp points will briefly leave reality and then near instantly return there is the possibility that a ship returning can due so while intercepting an other ship resulting in both ships destruction. This has resulted in all active warp points having a station to observe and direct traffic. Though these traffic control stations or TCSs are important to directing how many ships can go through a warp point at a time and where ships should be for each transit, the main way collisions are prevented is simply following a schedule. This schedule splits the 24 hour day into 1 hour sections with the first 10 minutes as a holding period to allow for the last transits for the opposite warp point to arrive and vacate the point. Then a drone or if its a twelfth hour of the day a maned craft will transit to help endure knowledge of incoming ships and the states of its sibling point. Next there are 5 10 minute sections for groups to go through the warp point, after which the warp point will stop taking exiting ships to make way for receiving ships.
One of the greatest constraints a civilization has is the speed of communication, this remains the same even with Humanity's recent discovery of Warpdrives. With no way to send messages through a warp point Humanity is left with one practical option carry the message on a ship. Thus when a drone or craft of a TCS transits from point to point they will carry along government messages and information to be passed along. Governments will often supplement these transits by also giving messages to government or military ships. This system allows for relatively quick messaging for governments, but not for civilians thus messaging companies have be come common place. A messaging company will often work by sending their own ships through a warp point whilst selling data space for messages. Depending on the nation these companies may or may not be obligated to limit their prices or have dedicated space for lower paying customers. Thus another way for messages to be sent is though cargo companies. Though not their main source of revenue many cargo companies will allow their ships to transit will low cost messages for extra revenue, this can also some times be done by independent captions but this option is not seen as very reliable.