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Elysian Empire

The Elysian Empire is a consitutional monarchy, with a tricamial legisature in the Senate (Upper House), Parlament (middle House), and The People's House (lower House) collectivly known as the Congregation. The Judicial system is headed by the Elysian Supreme Court.


The Elysian culture has held much to the same princibals that were seen in its precurer nations of old Alaria, largely placing an emphasis on indivguality and personal desires. However as with all societies the culture does not fully match that of the old Alarian nations. One of the main cultural tennets of the Elysian Empire is a focus on indivigualism with compartivly few limitations on its people compared to most nations in the cluster, and a high degree of acceptance to diffring beliefs.

Demography and Population

National Population: 10.5 Billion
Average Life Expectancy: 138 years
Birth Rate: 2.4
Literacy: 98%


Imperial Elysian Navy

The Imperial Elysian Navy is the most heavaly funded and prestigious and largest arm of the Elysian military. The Imperial Elysian Navy, Imperial Navy, Elysian Navy, or just the navy for short holds the role of maintaining superiority in the space between planets and stations. Seeing as all other forms of combat rely upon the navy to take or hold territory in war to some degree the navy recives an average of 68% of the entire military buget for the military. Though a sigular orgainizeation the navy is often broken into 4 suborganizations for simplicity the Interstellar Navy, The Stellar Patrol, The Starfighter Corps, and The Logistic Corps. However these seperations are only used for representations of the navy as all four groups regularly work in unison, and as such have the same ranking system.
The Interstellar Navy
The Interstellar Navy is what most people think of then the Imperial Navy is mentioned, with its' great and powerful warships, vast fighter wings, and actions against forign navies the navy holds great respect and admeration from the Elysian people.
The Stellar Patrol
The Stellar Patrol is in many ways the little brother of the Interstellar Navy, while the Interstellar Navy confonts forgin enemies with the greatest ships the empire can field the Stellar Patrol protects the assigned system and hunts pirates with the smaller and often over looked ships of the navy.
The Starfighter Corps
The Starfighter Corps is often just as romaticized as the Interstellar Navy, with its aperance of adventure and danger in the smallest and fastest ships charging the empire's enemies, engaging in close range high G fights.
The Logistics Corps
The Logistics Corps is easily the least thought of branch in the navy for the general populace, however it is often the most important, as without this branch the ships would burn through thier ammo and fuel in days, the fighters would break down without new parts begin delived, and the army and marines would never be able to fight on another planet without the Logistics Corps.

Imperial Army

The Imperial Army is the largest largest arm of the Elysian military despite reciving an average 23% of the military's buget. Though not having the same level of prestige and respect of the Imperial Navy the Imperial Army remains an esensial element of the military. Much like the navy the army can be divided into different suborganizations, also into 4.
Main Army
The main army consits of what most will imagine the Imperial Army as with infantry, tanks, and artillery, it is this part of the army that will be seen conducting the defence of the empire's planets and fighing across the world of its enemies.
Air Corps
The Air Corps is the army's airial assests, with the differing nessites of airial and space born strike craft the army found its self requiring an other element to provide the ever valuble air support in terrestiral combat.
Army Logistics Corps
Though the Elysian Navy oversees most of the interplanetery and intersystem logistics for the army, when supplies reach the planet it is the Army Logistics Corps that ensures that the armmo, spare parts, and food shall reach the soldiers all across the world.
The Terestiral Navy
Though the tradional navies of Hunanity's past have cesist to exist, oceans and other large bodies of water have continued to exist and thus the Elysian Army has seen the need to train and equip a small potion of its troops to conduct and fight on and around water.

Imperial Marine Corps

The Imperial Marine Corps is the smallest arm of the Elysuian military both in personel and in buget with only an average of 9%. The Marine Corps serves as a small but vital element within the Elysian military, due to thier small size there has been a constatn movement to end the marines as a seperate arme of the military due to their inherant attachment to the navy. But due to their role in planetary landings the corps has managed to remain as an independant branch.


The Elysian Empire has no enforced or declared state religion, instead it practices a largely live and let live system for most religions, though a religion can be declared a "Threat to the State/People" if its tenents inclued theats upon groups opf people, harmful practices, and subversive policeis. Due to the subjective and broad nature of these requirments no religions have ever been decared a threat. The religous make up of the Elyisan Empire is fauirly diverse with about 59% haveing some degree of spiritual beliefs, of which 31% whorship the "Old World" religions.


The Elysian Empire provides free education from the age of 6 to 20 for all citizens. Beyond this base level of education there are various academies and univeristies that one can attend for higher education, depending on where one is attending they may be required to provide a deposit that will be returned upon graduation or it may be fully payed for by the state.

Fidelis Fortis Fortuna

Founding Date
106 AE
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Elysia, The Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Economic System
Market economy
Systems: Arcadia, Welto, Discovery, Vantoska, Arashi, Incrementum, Novara, The Rift, and Minara
Planets: Elysia, Alar,
Elysian Dollar
Legislative Body
Three houses Senate (upper), Parlament (middle), The People's House (lower)
Judicial Body
Elysian Jucial Branch
Executive Body
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories

Tenuous Peace

Tenuous Peace

Articles under Elysian Empire


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