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Guardian Class 3rd Rate

With the ships of the line from the War Of The Cluster reaching the end of thier sevice lives Kusha Space Works attained a contract to create new ships of the line to replace the old ships in 1160. This first of these was the Guardian Class 3rd Rate Ship of the line. In 1167 the IES Guardian launched and after 3 years of tests and 2 months of refits the Guardian class was commishined in 1170.

The Guardian Class

The Guardian Class 3rd Rate follows the tradition view of a 3rd rate for the Elysian Navy, providing the nessary firepower to take on any contempory ship in the cluster without the high cost of the 1st rates. The Guardian will also act as command for smaller battlegroups and taskforces. The Guardian Class boasts improved and expanded armor, allowing it to sustain combat for increased periods of time. However the increase in mass has reduced its manoverbility making it somewhat vulrabile to flanking attacks.

Ships Of Class

Power Generation

3 main reactors adn 4 subreactors


4 MK 9 Heavy Thrust engines 1 MK 5 Hoang Warpdrive

Weapons & Armament

4 dualmount 420 mm coilguns, 4 singlemount 420 mm coilguns, 8 dualmount 360 mm coilguns, 8 partical beam turrets, 8 dualmount 240 mm coilguns, 4 dualmount 100 mm coilguns, 2 singlemount 100 mm coilguns, 8 36 VLS missile launchers, 4 railgun PDs, 2 flak cannons, 8 CWIS, 2 decoys, and 4 flare launchers

Hangars & docked vessels

Standard: 6 Roamer Class Auxileries: 3 transport variant, 2 PD variant, 1 sensor variant Battle: 6 Roamer Class Auxileries: 4 PD variant, 2 sensor variant
Creation Date
Class Commishined in 1170 AE
Owning Organization
24 Commissioned, 4 Under Construction, 30 Planned
Related Technologies
Complement / Crew
320 Officers and Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
2 years worth of supplies. 60 Elysian Marines


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