
The Faceless Lady Juiblex (a.k.a. Demon Lady of Slime and Ooze)

Called the Faceless Lady and the Oozing Hunger in ancient grimoires, Juiblex is demon lady of slime and ooze, a noxious creature that doesn’t care about the plots and schemes of others of its kind. It exists only to consume, digesting and transforming living matter into more of itself.   A true horror, Juiblex is a mass of bubbling slime, swirling black and green, with glaring red eyes floating and shifting within it. It can rise up like a 20-foot hill, lashing out with dripping pseudopods to drag victims into its bulk. Those consumed by Juiblex are obliterated. (https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/juiblex)   Juiblex's mind was beyond the comprehension of mortals and alien by the standards of demons; conforming to no standards, it acted with unknowable purpose. Contrary to what one might assume of the Mother of Slime based on the mindlessness of her spawn, she was an incredibly knowledgeable being of frighteningly vast intellect that moved with caution and subtly while manipulating her minions with chess master prowess. The eldritch entity also knew the true names of each obyrith, coupled with an intuitive sense of their goals, and was one of the few beings that understood the true purpose of the Abyss.   Ironically, regarding Juiblex's own goals, she was possibly the easiest of the demon lady's to understand purely because her desires were so simple and uncomplicated. Rarely did she need to bother plotting and planning because she was normally content just to continue existing, her only active goal being the corrosion of anything she could reach. The malevolent monstrosity cared little for intrigue and hated practically everything, perhaps enjoying only the act of destruction, and occasionally rumbling with some approximation of amused laughter with her more sadistic moves.   If Juiblex could be said to have a grander, more philosophical mission, then it would be her ordinary goal on a greater scale, to dissolve all living things, flooding all of existence in her pestilent putrescence and leaving her shapeless reflections as the only remaining lifeforms. Relatedly, Juiblex was something of a recluse, rarely leaving her lair and reacting with violent anger at any intrusion. The oozes and slimes she surrounded herself with were the only beings that interested her outside of the context of consumption and corruption, and her viscous subjects quivered with something akin to pleasure when their Faceless Lady was near.   Activities-
It was rare for Juiblex to actually affect the world outside her Slime Pits in any significant way; she never ventured to the Material Plane, nor waged war against her Abyssal enemies, and her surging presence in the upper realm of Shekdalah was more an act of opportunistic infection than a tactical choice. If she decided to wander, she left slime trails that would grow into various oozes and she would influence the slimes around her, but these were also merely natural, or rather unnatural, processes caused by her presence. Normally, she just stewed in her domain, enjoying the presence of her amorphous kin, breeding new oozes and releasing plagues.   That wasn't to say that Juiblex had no plans or agendas, simply that she was patient and subtle enough that she didn't achieve them quickly or obviously. Though she did wish to defeat Zuggtmoy, she didn't feel that conscious effort was needed to do so or that she should feel incited by her taunts. Instead, Juiblex waited, slowly but steadily accumulating more and more power, sometimes taking small steps to further her master plan but never in such a way as to provoke too much attention. She believed that the multiverse was her to claim and she would do so when she decided she was ready. (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Juiblex)

Divine Domains

Chaos, Corruption, Demonic, and Evil

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To dissolve all living things, flooding all of existence in her pestilent putrescence and leaving her shapeless reflections as the only remaining lifeforms.



Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Zuggtmoy




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Juiblex




Juiblex's most immediate and obvious opposition was Zuggtmoy, although even then, they both acted more as mutual nuisances to each other. Though Zuggtmoy often spat vile insults and foul curses at the Faceless Lady, she was either unaware of her remarks or too indifferent to respond, knowing that she and everyone else would eventually be under her control. She didn't exactly protest her presence either, since Zuggtmoy's rule over Shekdalah's surface hid her own kingdom and created an extra obstacle for anyone who might care to claim it, protecting it from other demon lords. Zuggtmoy herself could barely be bothered to try and deal with the tenacious demon lady, either fearing her or being too apathetic to her presence to resolve the issue. Nonetheless, both actively hated each other, the Faceless Lady being known to take an active role in sabotaging her plans at times and the Queen of Fungi sometimes concocting plots to permanently destroy her.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The Abyss

Shared Acquaintances

The other demon ladies.

Divine Classification
Demon Lady
Chaotic Evil
Current Residence
Ruled Locations


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