
Juiblex's principal realm in the Abyss was its 222nd layer known as Shedaklah, a truly putrid realm of living rot, visible fumes and bubbling ooze. Upon arrival, visitors were exposed to one of the most sickening swamps in the multiverse, where even those who weren't horribly nauseated struggled to eat or keep down what they had already consumed, and where food and water could quickly putrefy, even in bags or backpacks, and potentially transform into hostile oozes. To understand Shekdalah, one had to go underneath it and realize it was not just a singular domain but a dual realm, the latter half of which Juiblex ruled over. The subterranean network of caves and sinkholes beneath Shekdalah dwarfed any of the Material Plane, supposedly stretching down into the lower layer of the Abyss. Though the entire realm of Shekdalah was often referred to as such, the area that Juiblex called her own was often referred to specifically as the Slime Pits, a fitting title since oozes of uncountable varieties and numbers all lurked within its depths. Juiblex and her children had dissolved several areas to create passages between the chambers, many of which served as slime breeding grounds. If one managed to get past her myriad defences of the Slime Pits, they would find the vast cavern that was Juiblex's "throne room" at the centre of her kingdom. The area looked like the largest garbage heap in the multiverse, composed of litter and rubbish resistant to the acidic properties of the slimes. In the centre of the room was a single, stone pedestal streaked and corroded by the Mother of Slime's secretions and which she claimed as her own. Surrounded the stone was a churning soup of favoured oozes and coating the walls was a layer of slimes, all spewing out rancid corruption to mix with the Slime Lady's own filth.   Molor-
The two realms were connected by various portals, although sewers in magically charged cities could have portals to it, and if Juiblex was ever forced out of Shekdalah she would likely retreat into Molor. Referred to as the Stinking Realm, Molor represented civilization at its lowest point, a ramshackle cesspool of of filth where society teetered on the brink of collapse. Many denizens, such as the demons, oozes or otyughs, had no form of civilization, and most travellers were mortified by the idea that any sentient being could dwell there. Nonetheless, some semblance of organization existed among the scavengers of the plane, even if it was merely the sense of common ground from mutual sufferers of disease and decay. Much of Molor was a maze of dripping tunnels with dripping ceilings of muck and where rotted food and toxic waste was embedded in the walls and flowed across the floor. The only town was known as Thullgrime, a rotting domain of shacks constructed from decomposing fungal fibbers, ooze heaps and garbage inhabited by wererats, mad cultists and trapped explorers. Aside from the diseased denizens all of which feebly tried to stave off the seemingly inevitable collapse, the shantytown's streets were occupied by foul sludge and maggot-ridden bodies. The last remaining bastion of order was the insane leader known as Cullis Heartrend, under whose orders the citizens went on patrol with rusted weapons and shuffled soiled documents about under the pretence of "paperwork". (
Alternative Name(s)
Slime Pits, 222nd layer
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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