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The Kivox War

Military: War


The Kivox war was the devisive fight for freedom and dominion between the nations of the Kivox Alliance and the Crown Union ending is stalemate and disapointment but freedom for some.

Breif Serise of event within the Kivox War

After the joint declaration of independance on the fifteenth of Keo, 4A 399 no one was sure how the Union planned to respond, but in the early hours of the sixteenth Eldenclaw the Eternal Crown declared, in a voice that boomed across the Seal, that this act of treson would not be allowed that the Union would not suseed its claim to the Kivox nations and that surly for such unholy thoughts to cross the mind of the great rulers of the Seal that a new age has come. The Crown Union mobalised fast, lead by Turin Starline First Marshal of the western legions, they struck from the east and pushed through Nochi till they were at the gates of Nagana ‘capital of man’. So began a bloody seige, Nagana relying heavily on there mages to keep the supply of food and water. The Union made many attempts to break into the city, and Idria made many attempts ot break the siege yet after two years of bloody conflict it was becoming increasingly clear that Nagana would not fall, nor be broken out any time soon.


This was not the only front of the war however, as the Crown Legions advced through Nochi King Rorik of Danborn also declared independence and was welcomed with open arms into the Kivox fold. The Union replied swiftly and despite many Donsteedian reenforcements, the outlands of the kingdom were taken and the four gates were laid seige. A counter attack was launched form Idria in the early revivial yet to no avail and in Ire of 5A 2 the Danborn garrason surrendered and every Donsteedian soldier inside was put to the blade.


New life however came to the Kivox cause in Anbor as a donsteedian host rode through the boarder mountains to Turins legion in a suprise assult. Timed perfectly as this assult hit the southern marks of the army King Wilbur II lead a host of Huzzars out of the city charging into the Union forces and finally breaking the sige of Nagana


By this time it was becoming clear to both King Alfarion and Marshal Turin that Donsteed, a famously strong attacking force was week in there defensive actions around Danborn With this in mind it was decided that to stand a chance of winning the war Donsteed must be crippled. In a swift attack form multiple flanks Turins armies pressed into Donsteed quicky surrounding the capital city of Anglsteed which fell in Kang of the 5th year of the war after a long and bloody siege, despite quick deployment the army of Nochi arrived too late to break the siege and suffered a bitter defeat in the northwest. The King of Donsteed was killed and the city ransacked, people, property, children and gold, none were spared, so it was proved as it alwasy has been that whilst many high elves hate there half elven kin they have no problem in creating them.


Kivox pushed back attacking Helden tower taking the city and preparing to march on El-Mistif. What followed was the great pause in that year small skirmishes broke out along the boarders between the two sides but no major battles took place both forces were preparing, stragatising and waiting for the revival and the rain to stop. When eventually the advance began the joint army pushed as far as rosewood where after a mighty attack from the Elden Knights it was halted. It was the great battle of palidins, Eden Knights under King Alfarion against Idrias Kingsmen of Anbor under Queen Stephanie. They had met before, often in fewer numbers but this was a ture clash of champions, the will of gods enacted through mortals. The first charge was a sight to see, army’s calling smite onto there blades, spells shooting over the battlefeild, Devine light striking the front ranks in time as they clashed. The Kivox force had the battle almost won King Alfarion lay dead at the feet of an Idrian Knight when reinforcement from Riftweed pushed east flanking the army of men crashing into there flank and routing Queen Stephanies army.[/p  

Kivox fell back and soon were out of Helden their retreat seemed doomed a host of Draugheimian War forged tore after them but something vastly unexpected happened, they turned and fought the Unions Legion. This was Druheims way of declaring that they wanted independence and were warmly invited into the fold, a battalion from Idria was despatched to help ensure the echanted city’s freedom


It was from this pace of strength, with Druheim securely independent, the king of the Union dead and Helden in ruins, that King Wilbur II of Nochi and the newly appointed King of Eldenstar, Turin Starline moved to negotiate an end to the war. They met in Kivox to hold negotiations each ruler of the Kivox Alliance and and delegation made up of diplomats and generals from across the Union, after almost a month of negotiations terms were set: Nochi, Idria and Draugheim would be granted independace however Donsteed in its position of total submision would remain a part of the union however would suseed there east coast to Idria. 7 years of bloody conflict, thousands dead, more homeless but finally Nochi, Idria and Draugheim were free, it is now for those Kingdoms to decide if it was worth it...

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