Addiana Asmodea

Addiana Asmodea (a.k.a. Grumm)

Addiana Asmodea (stage name; her actual family name is Grumm) is the entire set design and special effects department for the Swallowtail Opera Company. She is a sorcerer who knows only illusion-type spells and cantrips. Addiana is shy and practical, the kind of person who always knows where the fuse box and the first-aid kit are. Though she's very quiet, she has a lot of presence when she forgets to be self-conscious; when she talks, people pay attention.   Addiana is very close friends with Savonne.

As Addiana Grumm, she had a happy, unremarkable childhood in a mid-sized town in the Kingdoms of Arran, north of Vacena. It wasn't until puberty that her tiefling ancestry reared its head—she grew horns and a tail, her skin got reddish, the whole bit. Only then did she learn that her family's secret, the skeleton in the closet, is their fiendish ancestry. Addiana is one of 3 triplets; apparently she got all the demonic heritage for all 3 of them. The Grumms saw this as a horrible exposure of their secret shame, and Addiana became the black sheep of the family overnight.


Addiana retreated into the theatre, specifically shadow theatre, a form of storytelling in which the performer remains hidden, and tells the story through illusions, lights, and shadow. She idolises a historical practitioner of the art named Ifer Aufari, and aspires to be like him. At around seventeen, she left home to become a performer, somewhat to everybody's relief; even those of her family who still liked her and felt bad for her, thought it was just as well that she find something to do out there somewhere, far from the Grumm family.


But Addiana hasn't been great at pushing her storytelling career forward, in part because she's extremely self-conscious about being visibly part-demon. After kicking around for a while, she signed up to work with Tillie's company. She loves the work and her troupe, but still wants to pursue shadow theatre as well.


The "Asmodea" part of her stage name is Savonne's idea. Savonne is working on getting Addiana to own her demonic looks, if not the rest of her fiendish nature. In fact, Addiana has inherited a facility for hexes and curses, but loathes the feeling of those powers and avoids using them.

Tiefling, she/her. Intense, hard-working, sardonic, short-tempered. She's a sorcerer dedicated to an ancient form of storytelling performance, but it doesn't pay very well (partly because her obvious fiendish heritage is not a box office draw), so she's paying the bills by working as the opera company's entire set design and special effects department. She and Savonne are close friends.

Current Location
the Vacenical Opera Comical
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