Savonne la Fantasticata

Savonne is the first soprano of what is now the Swallowtail Opera Company in Malfa. She is cheerful and energetic, likes people and expects to be liked; she is also somewhat scatterbrained and impulsive. She and Addiana are very close.

Savonne was an orphan, raised in a house run by the temple of Fusinille-Uffoccia, goddess of fire, the hearth, and family. She had about eight “siblings” there, and had a pretty nice childhood, all things considered—the temple was poor, but the priests and lay servants were kind, and Savonne is used to people liking her. She continues to think that the hearth (even a notional, metaphorical one) is the centre of home and family (even, or especially, found family).

The temple house being poor, Savonne started singing on the streets, partly for money and partly because she likes to sing. She was quickly discovered and brought into an opera company as a trainee. She discovered there that she loved singing and acting, but disliked the cutthroat atmosphere of Vacena opera. She was constantly being pressured to be canny and calculating in order to advance her career—and also to act much higher-class than her upbringing—and she didn't want to do either of those things. The story ought to have been that she overcame a hard childhood to find success in the opera, but in fact she liked the temple house, and the world of opera gave her imposter syndrome. Instead she signed on to go travelling with Tillie's company, much less prestigious but more fun.

Savonne doesn’t think of herself as religious, but she’s more attached to Fusinille-Uffoccia than she admits; she carries a symbol of the goddess, carved with a hearth chain, and she secretly believes that the goddess saved her life when a house façade collapsed around her, a year or two ago. She was miraculously untouched.

Fusinille-Uffoccia is served by small demigods named foccikilli, domestic protective spirits. One lived at the temple house; Savonne remembers it fondly.

Human, she/her, the first soprano of the opera company. She is cheerful, naturally talented, and strangely unambitious; she could probably make a go of it in a real opera company in Vacena if she put the work in, which she has no interest in doing. On the other hand she loves her work and enjoys being the centre of attention in a small regional company. Savonne and Addiana are close friends.

Current Location
the Vacenical Opera Comical
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