cities and nations of Fidere

These are some of the place names Malfa residents would recognise (and that some might hail from).   Vacena is the largest mercantile city in the Lesser Hallic Sea, and therefore an important trading partner for Malfa. It is an independent city-state republic and extremely diverse.   North of Vacena lie the Kingdoms of Arran, a number of semi-independent soveriegnties that all pay allegiance to a High Throne. Most of the "common" ancestries can be found in Arran (e.g. human, elf, dwarf, halfling).   Northwest of Vacena, inland to the south of the Ottiskil Straits, are the mostly-human kingdoms of Urichen and Attaia. They are separated from Arran by mountains and desert, making them more remote than you'd think from that side of the continent. Over thousands of years, though, many people from this area have eventually found their way to Chadun and to Malfa. Most Malfa humans are ethnically similar to Urichen and Attaia (which are based on medieval Berber kingdoms).   Far to the south, in the Greater Hallic Sea, is Salero, the largest and richest city in the world.