
Crane is the de facto head of Sjolfri House. Sjolfri is one of the Maveren Houses that considers itself not to have an official head—some do, some don't—but in fact Crane is the person who makes all the decisions.   Crane, with her older brother Heron, is the child of the first river dwarf to be made a Maver. He was also in Sjolfri House; the fact that both his biological children were brought into his own House is considered mildly declassé, but Crane and Heron are both pretty well-liked by other Maveren, though sometimes in a slightly condescending way.   Crane's father was made Maver because of his combination of fighting ability and negotiation skills; this helped to bring about the current moderately peaceful, trade-friendly situation in the Lesser Hallic Sea. Crane takes seriously the continuation of this legacy, and under her, Sjolfri is the most pragmatic House, that takes the most interest in the actual business of trade. This has made SJolfri quite rich, and also increased the wealth of the other Houses by association. The other Houses have mixed feelings about this.   Crane is practical, straightforward, and mostly patient. She doesn't disagree with her brother's reformer ideas, but she doesn't have a good deal of time for his enthusiasm for them, which she tends to see as mere sentimentality. She occasionally wishes Heron were brighter and could do more of the heavy lifting himself, but in general the siblings are quite close. Heron is some years older; when Crane was very young she looked up to him as a dashing adventurer, and she still sees him that way (which is fair, he is a dashing adventurer).
