
Heron is one of two river dwarf Maveren (the other is his younger sister Crane). He is the most reform-minded of the Maveren, in the sense that he thinks the Maveren should do a better job of what they already should be doing for Malfa. It would never occur to him to seriously restructure Malfa politics or society.   Heron is genial and well-liked by other Maveren, in part because he's always the first to sign up for various Maveren expeditions to crush pirates or hunt sea monsters or what have you. He's a good fighter and a good fella to have on your side. He's also not terribly bright; most other Maveren will agree with his ideas in principle, without taking them or him very seriously.   Other inhabitants of Malfa also like Heron pretty well, at least by reputation. He makes a point of supporting public endeavours, showing up for the people, pitching in to make newcomers feel at home, etc. He is prone to sudden enthusiasms, which he will then doggedly try to get various thralls or fellow Maveren to act on. They see him as a test of their patience, but they do occasionally do the right thing just to get rid of him.   Heron and Crane are the children of the first river dwarf to be made a Maver. He was also in Sjolfri House; the fact that both his biological children were brought into his own House is considered mildly declassé, but Crane and Heron are both pretty well-liked by other Maveren, though sometimes in a slightly condescending way.   Heron is rather older than Crane; he had already gone off to sea, as adolescent Maveren do, when she was born. Nonetheless they're very close. Heron knows that Crane is the brains of Sjolfri, and trusts her implicitly; she rarely tells him what to do straight up, but when she does, he does it.

Genial, hearty, means well, not too bright. Possibly the best-liked Maveren in Malfa, not that that's saying much

Current Location
Sjolfri House
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