
A talking horse who thought he was a cursed unicorn, but turned out not to be. Helping straighten that out is how the Fun Bunch (Oswald, Tevik, and Örm) got together.   Ed is a small, sturdy draft horse, of a kind common in the mountains (based on a fjord horse). He's about 135cm at the withers, 5/6 the size of an average riding horse. Ed works for the Fun Bunch as a draft animal, mostly whenever they borrow the hearse cart from the the Stone Mother's House. Otherwise he lodges at the House and works for them.   He's the only talking horse he or anyone else has ever met, but nobody questions it too much. Nice guy.

A small but sturdy horse, capable of hauling heavy loads over the mountains. 130cm tall at the withers (about 5/6 the size of an average riding horse) but the same stats as a draft horse. Can talk for some reason. Nice guy.

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