Erling Majra

Erling Majra is the eldest, and thus seniormost, member of Erling House in Malfa. Since Erling House is controlled from afar by Erling-himself, the head of the House, Majra's seniority doesn't mean all that much in practice.


Majra is almost entirely elvish in ancestry, more so than almost all the Maveren. It's also obvious that not all of his elvish ancestry is sea-elf, which is uncommon amongst the Maveren and which leads many to believe that Majra is the child by blood of Erling-himself. Since Majra is probably about 150 years old, and blood parentage isn't deeply important to either elves or Maveren, the truth of this rumour isn't known for certain except (presumably) amongst people who know Majra personally.


Most Maveren, across all the Houses, respect Majra as an experienced and capable sea-fighter. He is also considered a political non-entity, and also (slightly unusual amongst Maveren, especially Erlings) not to have a magical bone in his body. He is genial and polite to those he sees as his social inferiors, a category that includes everybody in Malfa, Maveren or no. Majra is deeply honourable (as the Maveren understand honour) and has never been seen to question Erling-himself, or his authority, in any way at all.


Majra was born female, and has identified as male for some decades now. He is tall, wiry, and always both well-dressed and fully armed. He is, in short, impeccably Maveren.
