Erling House

Erling House is one of the oldest households amongst the Maveren, and the most powerful politically. It is also one of the few Houses that still has a head of House. (Maveren see themselves as all equal): Erling's current head is also named Erling, the only full-blooded high elf amongst the Maveren. He is very old and powerful, and hasn't been seen in Malfa for more than a century, despite which he is rumoured to keep an iron grip on the doings of his House.   No one House is in charge in Malfa, and no members of Erling even currently hold government positions in Malfa (a role fulfilled by household thralls). Nonetheless, what Erling House wants usually happens, with the support of Leidh and Hejmar Houses. The three of them form the dominant power bloc in Maveren politics.

Some members of Erling House

characters in italics haven't been encountered yet by any PCs

Maveren thralls