Erling Sattr

(a.k.a. Saturday)

Everybody who meets Saturday gets the immediate impression that he is charming, fun to be with, and up to something. He’s the life of the party, but never sits still for more than a few minutes, always dashing off to take care of something unknown somewhere else. If you do manage to speak to him at length, he gives the impression that he thinks you’re great, but also that he’s mostly thinking about something else. Maybe he’s just easily distractible, and spends every party thinking about the next party; maybe he’s a schemer. The rest of the Maveren are variously amused and irritated by him—often at the same time—but few of them take him very seriously.   Saturday is prone to big dramatic public gestures, splashing money around and throwing parties. He enjoys being the centre of attention, and likes to pal around with people most other Maveren don’t (that is, non-Maveren). Despite this, he considers himself a throwback to the original devil-may-care Maveren of the high seas, and not your boring, domesticated city-dwelling Maveren. Other Maveren disagree with this assessment.   Like most Maveren, Saturday is part sea-elf and part-human, but he is more human than many, with only a little sea-elf ancestry. He has two personal thralls: Junah Wade, who grew up in the Erling household, and Lorenzo, who's new. He lives in a nice townhouse off the Grand Plaza, in Erling's holdings but not in the household.

The black sheep of Erling House! Charming, fun to be around, and up to something.

Current Location
Erling House
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