Junah Wade

Junah is Erling Sattr's personal thrall, and has been since she was fourteen (eight or nine years ago). Before that she was part of the Erling household; her parents were household thralls there.   When Junah was born, her parents decided she would be free, rather than another thrall of Erling House. Accordingly, she was raised in Erling House until she was fourteen, at which point she was seen out the door, never to be helped again by any member of the household—including her parents. (See the article on Maveren and their thralls for more about this.) Saturday, seeing she was pretty lost, offered to take her on as his own thrall; at that time he was in his mid-20s and still lived in Erling household itself, so it was pretty much a workaround to give Junah the same life she'd always had.   Ever since, Junah has pretty much been Erling's executive assistant, acting as the logistical part of his brain. She's used to the life, and she's good at it; as Erling's personal thrall she is an upper thrall, which is already a considerable upward movement from her parent's status. But she's very aware that she's not free. She thinks about agreeing to a body-price with Saturday and buying her freedom, and Saturday says he'll do it, but she hasn't brought herself to even to talk about it yet. She is pragmatic to a fault, and wants to have a very concrete plan for what's next before she makes a move out of the context she's known her whole life. After years of dealing with Saturday, Junah has big-sister energy towards anyone who is visibly under the age of 40.

Human, she/her, mid-20s. Erling Sattr's personal thrall, not formally attached to Erling House. She is blunt and confident to the point of rudeness; physically, she's short and thick enough to be mistaken for part-dwarf, which she is not.

Current Location
Erling House
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