Kammayun - Elves

The Kammayun (singular Kammayad) are a group of mountain elves who live in the eastern part of the Forges. They are quite insular; the only other people who have any contact with them are the Fedun.   Mountain elves are the descendants of wood elves who migrated south from up the Tennerill River, and then went back north some centuries later. Wood elves think of the Kammayun as rustic, nearly feral country cousins. To the degree anyone else knows of them, the Kammayun have a reputation for being hard as nails, and for hunting monsters. A common folk tale throughout the Forges ,even amongst those who have never seen the Kammayun in person, features a Kammayad who spent fifty years hunting a dragon through the mountains.   "Kammayun" literally means "stone eaters." It was originally an insulting label given the mountain elves by their wood-elf cousins, but the mountain elves decided it suited them, and stuck with it.   For stats, see Mountain elves as a playable race