Sacred prostitution

The nuns of Paratti practice sacred prostitution, though it's not quite what some people imagine.   Paratti is a site of divination; one of the nuns is the oracle, who receives "secrets" from a divine underground spring. Nuns who might go on to become oracles take on the role of sacred prostitute for a while. This is considered to put both guest and nun in a receptive mood to receive divinations, and orgasm is compared to the divine ecstasy of revelation. This isn’t prostitution per se. But visitors to the monastery bring gifts, and then have sex, and then are told divinations, so somewhere in there is something like paying for sex.   The sacred prostitutes can also receive secrets from the spring, but less frequently, and only on behalf of a pilgrim with whom they’ve had sex. This is both because of nun hierarchy, and because the sacred prostitutes are considered not yet capable of withstanding the mental strain of divination too often.   Sacred prostitutes don’t generally travel; when nuns travel, it’s as ambassadors and observers, to do some investigating of revealed secrets on behalf of Paratti. They might well have sex as part of their ambassadorship but it’s not, like, official sex, spiritually speaking.