the nuns of Paratti

A number of tabaxi people live in Mrassa, a high cold desert region, in small semi-nomadic communities. They are fairly insular and don’t communicate much with the outside world; the exception is the Paratti monastery, known for divination and prophecy.   Paratti is devoted to a god called the Seventh Pillar, who is the guardian spirit of a pure-water spring deep in a cleft in the mountains. He is the god of hidden water and revealed secrets; the spring is a magical source of divination.   The Paratti nuns guard and tend the spring, and in return they receive secrets about the world. Sometimes they do this on the request of visitors, and sometimes on their own. The secrets might be of the past, present, or future, and they might be to do with something nearby or across the world. The nuns are used to sometimes receiving secrets they don’t yet understand—maybe to do with far-off events—and puzzling them out, or even setting off to investigate.   One of the nuns is always the oracle, who descends to the spring and sees truths about the past, present, and future. Another is the Abbess, who administers the monastery. The current oracle is politically ambitious, and enjoys being influential with the nearby kingdoms. The current Abbess is more or less under her influence. Some of the other nuns believe that the oracle has been ignoring revealed secrets that don’t match her political interests, and even—this is very bad—telling people what they want to hear, or what will influence them.   Recently, there have been rumours of another divine spring, a source of revealed secrets, somewhere “on the tip of the other continent.” Malfa is literally the tip of the other continent, so there you go. If this pans out, some of the Paratti nuns might even secede to found a new monastery.   Some revealed secrets mention something called “the Return.” It’s unknown what this means, and the current oracle isn’t interested. It isn’t even clear whether the Return would be a good thing or a bad thing. Perhaps someone should find out.   The nuns of Paratti practice sacred prostitution , though it isn't quite what some people imagine it to be.